8 November 2024 Newsletter |
Kia Ora Tatou It has been relatively quiet about the school this week which has been appreciated as senior students started the NCEA exams on Tuesday. As some have left the exam hall I have spoken to them and most feel quietly confident which is re-assuring. As parents, many went through the school system where the course of study was assessed on one 3 hour exam such as School Certificate. It is worth noting that student achievement is assessed in a very different way under NCEA. Students will have completed assessment activities throughout the year and earned credits. For some this will mean they do not rely upon external examinations in order to achieve their NCEA Certificate. Similarly, students may enter the hall for a three hour exam which will offer potentially 3 standards. The student may only need of be entered for one standard so it is quite possible that they ‘appear’ to leave early. It is quite different and does mean that students can be strategic with their studies and assessments. Senior exam instructions Whilst most students have followed instructions we have had a couple of issues where students have not sat in their allocated seat. Exam papers are personalised so it is important that they enter the exam room when their name is called and sit in their allocated seat. Similarly, students have been instructed not to wear hoody’s or jackets. This is required so that the supervisors can be assured that students are not carrying prohibited items into the exam room. Disruptions such as these can delay the start of exams or the opportunity to chase up missing students from the exam venue. Junior student success This week we held a Year 9+10 assembly and it was a pleasure to present a number of students with badges for their achievement. I anticipate that as the year draws to a close there will be other students who will receive similar recognitions. At the same assembly I was pleased to present a number of PB4L badges as well. These badges acknowledge individual demonstration of meeting the schools expectations and values of:
- Respect
- Excellence
- Perseverance
We expect every Year 9 and 10 student to achieve at least one badge during the year and this does count towards their junior graduation certificate which will be awarded at the end of the year to successful students. A list of recipients of badges is included in this newsletter. Uniform Students are expected to wear the correct uniform and we have noticed that some students have been wearing hoody’s which are not part of the uniform or jacket expectation. We are also aware that as the year draws to a close sometimes unform items may wear out or not fit eg shoes. Whilst we appreciate the reluctance to purchase new shoes as we approach Christmas with all of these expenses and the potential for new shoes today not to fit in February we would ask that parents support the school when we loane items to students so that they are smart and tidy. Finally There are just 4 weeks until students will be participating in the end of year activity days. I would ask that parents do ensure that costs for the students chosen activities are paid in full prior to the start of he activity. Today Mr Matsas has been working with students and the activity leaders to ensure that students know what they are familiar with the expectations and requirements for activities. Once again, we do have high expectations for students in terms of behaviour and attendance in order to participate in activities on 5 and 6 December. Ka kite ano |
Recent News
Upcoming Dates for Term 4 2024 and Term 1 2025
Upcoming Dates for Term 4 2024 and Term 1 2025 | | |
Ki O Rahi Tournament
Yesterday two year 10 Ki- O- Rahi teams competed in the Central Otago Secondary Schools Tournament at Dunstan High School in Alexandra. All of our students had a great day! Results to follow. | | |
9U and 9H Science
9U and 9H learning about soil profile and foraging earthworms for further learning. | | |
PB4L Awards November 6th
This week in assembly we presented PB4L, merit and excellence badges. Well done everyone. | | |
Year 8 Visits
On Wednesday we held the first of our year 8 visits. It was so nice to see and meet our students that will be attending SOHS in 2025. | | |
Summer School Information Sessions
Registrations for Te Kura Summer School will open on 18 November 2024. | | |
Dishes to be Collected
Dishes from Senior Prizegiving need to be collected from the SOHS office please. | | |
Help, keep the devices working by giving them back to Mr Hynds in plenty of time. | | |
Junior Show
South Otago High School Presents | | |
School Magazine
The cost for the Magazine is $25. | | |