Kia Ora Tatou Whilst this has been a short week it has been fairly busy! I hope that everyone enjoyed the extra day off on Monday for Kings Birthday. Respect This week I spoke to the students about one of the school values of respect. It is a message worth repeating here. Respect is about acknowledging one another and treating others they way we would wish to be treated. Whilst we may have different points of view, we may have different opinions but we can also be respectful in sharing our views and acknowledging our differences. Respect is about appreciating what other do for us. I told the story of being on a public bus in Wellington last year. As high school students got off they each called out ‘Thank you driver’. I wonder if your son or daughter shows their appreciation and respect to their driver in a morning or when they are picked up after a sports practice or after school job. Respect is about helping one another. It may be helping someone with a heavy load to carry and offering to help, or holding a door open for someone or helping someone who is having difficulty with their work or learning. Respect is also about trust and honesty. If we are honest, we build trust and that leads to respect. Swim Sports It was good to see so many students participating at the pool for swim sports on Thursday. I am sure that all participants had a good time. However, it was very disappointing to hear of the high absenteeism for Year 9 with 25% away for the whole day when the event was only for two of the five lessons of the day. This means that those absent missed valuable learning time. It is very concerning many of these absences are condoned by parents and reflects a lack of value for education. Matariki Breakfast This week a letter was sent home inviting whanau to celebrate the start of Matariki with a breakfast event at school on Thursday 27 June. It is important that we now how many will be attending so please do register for the event by Monday 24 June. A link to the registration form is in the letter. Finally We are now over half way through the term. There are just four weeks to go until the next holiday. Following the parent teacher interviews and the feedback that has been provided it is timely for students to reflect upon their work so far this year. I encourage whanau to speak to tamariki and to have a plan to ensure work is up to date before the holiday. For senior students, they are exactly half way through their senior programmes! Ka kite ano |
Recent News
Upcoming Dates for Term 2 2024
Upcoming Dates for Term 2 2024 | | |
Taieri College Winter Interchange
Taieri College Winter Interchange - Wednesday 19th June 2024 | | |
Sports Report Week 5
NETBALL - No netball last week. Good luck to A/B,10A and 9A teams who compete at the OSS netball tournament on Sunday and Monday. | | |
From the English Department Week 6
We have been having a lot of fun with language over the past few weeks. | | |
Swimming Sports
We held our annual swimming sports today. Many thanks to our PE team especially Mrs Butler and also Suzie Roy. | | |
Year 10 Dean’s Awards
Congratulations to the following students in 10A and 10W who were presented with Dean's Awards as recognition for showing personal excellence in a particular subject, as nominated by their teachers. | | |
Staff vs Council Netball
Congratulations to our SOHS council who took out the win today 13-12 in netball it was a tight contest. | | |