25 October 2024 Newsletter |
Kia Ora Tatou This week senior students have been receiving feedback on their practice NCEA exams. This feedback is important and students should follow the advice so that they are prepared for the final NCEA exams which start early next month. In future we are going to refer to these practice as ‘Derived Grade Exams’ This is to raise the importance of thorough preparation for these assessments so that students demonstrate their understanding with the grade generated possibly being their final grade should they be unable to sit the final exam in November. As part of our review we will be moving the Derived Grade Exams to term 3 so that there is time for students to follow up on feedback. Last day for senior students Next Wednesday will be the last day for seniors. I have been clear to students that we have high expectations for senior students for their final days at South Otago High School for 2024. I have also been clear that they are role models for junior students who will follow their lead. Staff and teachers have supported students during their time here and we want senior students to finish on a positive rather than an upset of the relationship and respect that has existed during the student’s time with us. Junior students council With the seniors departing, at this time of year we look to appoint a junior, Year 10, Student Council who will have opportunities to lead and organise activities and assemblies which will be supported by teachers. Students who would like to be considered need to write a letter of expression of interest to the principal by 3pm on Tuesday 29 October. Funded meningococcal vaccines for eligible rangatahi This week I received the following information from the Ministry of education which is particularly relevant for senior students who are about to leave home to go into a flatting situation or halls of residence. Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora is encouraging rangatahi who are entering their first year close-living facilities to receive their free meningococcal vaccines. Eligible facilities include boarding school hostels, university halls of residence, military barracks and youth justice facilities. This letter gives information and resources on funding for students aged 13–25 years: World Meningitis Day Finally Next Wednesday evening we will be hosting our annual Senior Prize Giving event. This is an opportunity to recognise the achievements of senior students. I hope that family and whanau can join staff and students as we celebrate the achievements of students. Monday will be Labour Day and I hope that you all enjoy the long weekend. Ka kite ano |
Recent News
Upcoming Dates for Term 4 2024
Upcoming Dates for Term 4 2024 | | |
SOHS Senior Prize List Y11 and 12
SOHS Senior Prize giving is on the 30th October at 7 pm at Te Pou Ō Mata-Au. Students need to be seated by 6:45. | | |
Funded meningococcal vaccines for eligible rangatahi
Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora is encouraging rangatahi who are entering their first year close-living facilities to receive their free meningococcal vaccines. | | |
Mystery Box Masterchef Competition
This week we had a mystery box masterchef competition for our senior classes (year 11,12,13) where they were given a bag of mystery ingredients and had to create dishes within an hour to be judged by our masterchef judges (teachers). | | |
Junior Orchestral Workshop Trip
On Tuesday the 22nd of October, Ellie, Jessamine, Jasmine, Jerico and I were privileged to take part in the Junior Orchestral Workshop held at Queen’s and King’s High School in Dunedin. | | |
Chinese Prizegiving Ceremony
Photo with Student’s names: Annabelle Foley, Francine Reyes, Jeffery Sonio, Erin Turner, Jess Daumann, Kordelia’Rose Brown, and Adult student Nicola Hall | | |
9U and 9H Planet Earth
9H and 9U are learning about planet Earth. We learnt about different layers of the Earth. | | |
School Magazine
The cost for the Magazine is $25. | | |
Help, keep the devices working by giving them back to Mr Hynds in plenty of time. | | |