Kia Ora Tatou Firstly, this will be the final newsletter from South Otago High School for 2023. Thank you for such a successful year. This week wraps up the final full week of the 2023 school year and as we finish I have reflected what a busy and successful year it has been. Some of the highlights would include successful school events such as athletics and swim sports, an amazing cultural competition and inter-changes. We have seen our Kapa Haka students perform with pride and confidence at numerous school and public events. Students achieve success in the National Manu Korero event, students have their artwork on display at Te Papa in Wellington as part of the NZQA national exhibition and students attend the International Youth Science Conference in London, UK. As always we have also enjoyed considerable sporting success with a number of students representing both the school and region for a wide variety of sporting codes. Academically, we have enjoyed a high degree of success too. This year about 70% of our Year 10 cohort have already completed the NCEA Level one requirements for both literacy and numeracy. A large number who have yet to complete their final assessments may well complete this requirement in the next few days. During the last two weeks I have met a number of students as they have left their NCEA exams. Most completed their assessment feeling positive about their efforts. I look forward to seeing the final results in January next year. Junior activities days Students have signed up for a wide range of activities with the first students departing on Sunday for Stewart Island and a tramp. Thank you to those parents who have ensured that their accounts are paid and up to date. Without your payment for these extra curricular activities the school is not able to provide the broad range of opportunities to all students. If students have not yet signed up for an activity they should attend school and we will ensure that they are able to participate in an activity. The school year does not finish until Thursday next week. Junior Prize Giving We will be hosting the junior prize giving in the school hall commencing at 12:00 and aiming to finish by 1pm. Parents are welcome to attend in person. Unfortunately, we will not be able to live stream this event due to reasons beyond the school’s control. Finally As this will be the final newsletter of 2024 I would like to take the opportunity to thank all members of our community including, students, staff, whanau, parents and volunteers who have worked to make the year such a success. Working together we are able to achieve so much more than we can as individuals. I trust that you will have a good break over the summer months and have the time to connect with family and friends as well as time to get out and have fun for yourselves. Have a great Christmas and wonderful New Year. I look forward to welcoming students back to school at the end of January 2024. For those that are leaving us we wish you all well for the future. Meri Kirihimete |