South Otago High School News

2024 Newsletter

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5th April 2024 Newsletter

Kia Ora Tatou
After a board meeting on Wednesday evening I spent time considering how lucky our students are to have so many opportunities afforded to them. For example,

  • New York Arts trip
  • Australian netball tour
  • Vietnam experience
  • World of Wearable Arts in Wellington

These are only possible due to the hard work of teachers and parents in the community. So a thank you to everyone involved for making it happen. I appreciate the time that you have given up and the commitment you have shown.
It is unrealistic to think that we will all agree with every decision that is made all of the time in regard to these trips or a sports team or a cultural activity that is taking place. However, if you think there is an issue please consider the amount of time teachers have invested and that they are taking an overall view in the interests of everyone, not just a single person, before raising it in a polite and reasonable way.
Fund raising
The school attempts to make trips, sports and experiences available to as many of our students as possible. This means that we support fund raising in a variety of ways. As we are a government entity, and therefore any money within school is classed as Crown funds, we have to follow a number of rules. To make sure that we are providing equitable opportunities for students and following these rules we have a fundraising policy. We ask that if you are fundraising for a school activity that you follow the policy and if you are unsure please contact the school with any questions before you start this fundraising.
As has been stated in the last two newsletter we expect students wishing to purchase tickets for the SNOB to have:

  • An attendance rate of at least 80% 
  • A positive pastoral record for the year
  • No outstanding debts payable to the school prior to purchase of
  • tickets (this does not include ‘donations’ which are voluntary)

I have sent emails, and posted information home, to students that are not meeting these expectations at the moment. In that I have outlined the improvements that need to be made to attend SNOB. I have also emailed students that are close to the attendance rate of 80% to encourage them to make sure that their attendance remains above 80% or improves.
We will be holding our ANZAC service at the school hall on Thursday 11th April at 9am. Members of the community are welcome to join us, but given the current size of the school hall, please be aware it is likely to be standing room only at the back.
This is our most formal assembly of the year as we remember those that made the ultimate sacrifice.
Ka kite ano
Nigel Scarth – Acting Principal

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