South Otago High School News

2024 Newsletter

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27 September 2024 Newsletter

Kia Ora Tatou
This is the final newsletter for the term after what has been a very busy term. The end of term also signals the end of most of the winter sports codes and preparations for the summer sports. It is also a time when seniors are nearing the end of their courses and submitting portfolios and preparing for exams which commence in week one of next term.
Wig Day
On Tuesday, Ashlee Anderson spoke in the school assembly about her experience with alopecia. It was, without doubt, one of the most moving talks I have heard by a student. It was not just the content of Ashlee’s talk but also the support that wrapped around her by her peers as she spoke and the respect and acknowledgement shown by the audience of students and teachers. Money raised from donations and activities will be donated to Freedom Wigs who make wigs for people who require them as a result of medical conditions, including alopecia and cancer treatment.
Senior Exams
On Tuesday in assembly I urged senior students to spend some time during this week and the holidays to prepare for the ‘practice’ exams which are scheduled for the first week of next term. Students should treat these assessments as seriously as they will treat the final NZQA exams which commence in November. Whilst the exams in week one of next term are a practice for the real event, the results may be required if a student is unable to sit the final exam due to illness, injury, bereavement etc. In recent years we have had students who have been sick and injured. Elsewhere, natural disasters such as flooding have occurred during the exam period and students do rely upon the ‘practice’ exam results.
With the NZQA exams, there are no options to ‘catch up’ or do the exam on a different day. There is just the one day and the one session when all students across the country sit their exam.
Late last week I learnt that Harlin Puna (Y13) has been selected to trial for the New Zealand Under 18 Boys Touch Team during the holiday. If selected Harlin will join a squad of 20 young men to represent New Zealand. We wish Harlin all the best for the trial.
Thankyou to all the volunteers for sport and the learning opportunity you provide
As the winter sports wrap up and teachers prepare for the change of codes it is timely to remind both students and parents that the provision of extra-curricular sports relies upon the goodwill, and volunteering by both teachers and parents who give their time freely. I expect that all those who have benefitted from the work done by volunteers will have taken time to show their appreciation for the season.
As parents or students, we may not always agree with the decisions made by coaches and managers but the participation in sport is a reflection and good training of what it takes to be successful in life. For example,
There will always be winners and losers
We won’t always agree with the decision of officials and our boss but we have to continue to respect each other and work together!
There will be time when we are not achieving our goals and this is the time we persevere to rise to the challenge.
We needs to practice and train to ensure that we produce an excellent performance on the day.
How close these learning opportunities align with our school values of Respect, Excellence and Perseverance!
The next two weeks is a time for students to recuperate from a very busy term. The same applies to teachers. I have been explicit today that staff should put an auto respond on their email so that if students, or parents, try to email during the holiday, students know when they may expect a response to any questions. I would hope that students would have managed most questions for their teachers prior to today!
I hope all members of our community enjoy the opportunity to spend time with children and support them in their endeavours and commitments during the break time. Have a good holiday.
Ka kite ano

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