Principal's Message
Tēnā koutou St Ignatius community,
This week, in House time, Years 8 and 9 participated in a House Tug of War competition. It was a truly exciting event for all students and Year 7 we were able to support their Houses after returning early from their theatre trip.
Some of the hallmarks of the event have become hallmarks of our school culture this year. Students:
- participated wholeheartedly - put in their maximum effort - supported one another - celebrated success (even of their rivals) - followed all instructions to keep themselves and others safe - were positive about everybody - celebrated that every student had a place on their team
It is through this growth in culture that students can be confident that they can come into school everyday and be themselves. We will never create a stereotypical model of the ideal St Ignatius student. In our community we celebrate that each and every member has been created unique in the image of God. We celebrate that and honour our community by providing opportunities for everybody to grow and flourish; finding out and growing towards who they have been created and called by God to be.
We have many guests coming into the college each week and almost always the feedback is around how great our students and staff are. I firmly believe that the perception from the outside is the observation of a community who have been intentionally finding what is special within themselves, within others and within the world around them. In effect they are observing a community who are finding God in ourselves, finding God in others and finding God in our common home. How affirming for each and every member of our school community that it is very noticeable to others that we creating and contributing to a community where everybody is valued and everybody can flourish; finding God in all things.
Inveniens Deum in omnibus.
Dean Wearmouth |
Ākonga Assessment Week
Week Three (October 29th - November 1st)
Ākonga will be assessed in their core subjects of Religious Education, English, Mathematics, Science and Social Sciences.
Please ensure that all ākonga are prepared with their correct stationery, charged devices and any other material as indicated by staff.
A link to the ākonga timetable for Week 3 can be found here: Assessment Week Timetable
Ākonga have also received a hardcopy of this timetable in their Rōpū Kaiārahi.
  House Competition
On Wednesday afternoon our ākonga participated in a House Tug-Of-War. Each House gave it there all, and there was some fierce competition. Congratulations to Romero/Aubert House, who took out the event with some amazing displays of teamwork and strength.
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Week Ahead
Friday 25 October
Futsal Training Yr 9 Girls in La Storta after school
Monday 28th October
Touch Training On Field after school
Futsal Games Girls and Boys Teams Bruce Pulman Park Papakura TBC
Tuesday 29th October
Touch Boys Team VS Botany Downs James Cook High 4.00pm
Touch Boys Team VS Aorere James Cook High 5.00pm
Touch Girls Team VS Aorere James Cook High 4.30pm
Touch Girls Team VS Rosehill James Cook High 5.30pm
Wednesday 30th October
Basketball Training After school in La Storta
Volleyball Training After school in La Storta
Thursday 31st October
Volleyball Girls Team VS Sancta Maria Pulman Arena 4.00pm
Futsal Training Y8/9 Boys in La Storta after school
This Week's Results
Tuesday 22nd October Franklin Zone Tennis Team
The Franklin Tennis competition provided a great opportunity for a number of our students, who regularly participate in Tennis outside of school, to compete against other schools. Our ākonga left happy having been able to represent our school in a sport that they enjoy.
Peter Pan - Year 7 Theatre Trip
On Wednesday 23rd October, Year 7 ākonga had the opportunity to see Auckland Theatre Company’s production of ‘Peter Pan’ at the ASB Waterfront Theatre. Ākonga were mesmerized with the special effects of the actors flying, the giant crocodile puppet and creative set changes plus the unique plot twist to J M Barrie's original story of the beloved Peter Pan, Wendy and Lost boys.
  Ākonga Elective
Film Club
Film Club is one of the most popular electives at Saint Ignatius of Loyola Catholic College. This is because it revolves around watching, analyzing, and appreciating films. The big question we focus on answering as we watch different films is "why." Why did the director make that choice? Why did they use that camera angle? Why did they choose that setting? Film Club encourages curiosity and fosters an analytical mind.
 Nacho's News
Last week's edition, and this week's edition are out now! Follow the link at the bottom of this Newsletter to check them out!
 Ākonga Achievement
Ākonga John Glynos participated in a three-day outdoor field archery tournament over the past weekend. These were 9 hour days, competing in both the International Asia-Pacific Archery Competition and Bowhunter Archery Nationals. This was his first-ever international competition, with archers from Australia, Hong Kong, and Vanuatu all vying for the top spot. John took 1st place in both events! Congratulations John!
Manutaki Certificiates
This week the following ākonga/student were recognised by their Manutaki for having received an outstanding Weekly Excellence Review.
Year 7 - Hayden Rogers Year 8 - Georgia Pearce Year 9 - Issa Abdulahad
We celebrate these ākonga/students being more fully alive and reflecting the greater glory of God through their work and actions.   485 Award
Each week students are given the opportunity to nominate fellow students who have been displaying our school values.
Again, we had many nominations this week and it was a pleasure for senior leaders to read of students finding God in others through their nominations. Our top nominations this week are:
George Matthew was nominated by Jackson Samuel for showing compassion. George kindly returned Jackson’s PE gear that was left behind in the changing rooms.
Alexis Walker was nominated by Ella Neels for showing compassion by cheering her up when not feeling well.
Daisy Bertram was nominated by Indiana Falanitule for showing compassion by helping in sewing and when I was struggling in soft materials.
Thomas Eyton-Fa’afiu was nominated by Olivia Fitzpatrick for showing compassion by cheering up people around him and showing kindness towards teachers.
Marco Omandam was nominated by Vince Arceo for showing conscience in helping Vince with his twisted ankle and caring for him.
The winner this week was Emereziana Lautua who was nominated by Alexis Collins for showing compassion by checking that she was okay and providing a hug when they were feeling sad.
Well done Emereziana!  |
2025 Option Selection Year 10
Option selection for our current Year 9 Ākonga moving into Year 10 will occur shortly.
Please follow the link below to view the option booklet and begin your shared family discussion around the subjects offered.
2025 Option Selection Year 10
Note: That online option selection is not currently open. Further notification of this will be forwarded once the system is ready.
Loyola Medical Centre Update
We have had cases of Chickenpox and Scabies at St Ignatius of Loyola Catholic College.
"Chickenpox is spread through the air, when an infected person coughs or sneezes, or through contact with the fluid in the blisters. Chickenpox is infectious 2 days before the rash appears until all the blisters have dried up."
"Scabies is usually spread by direct skin-to-skin contact with a person who has scabies. Contact generally needs to be prolonged – you are unlikely to get scabies from a quick handshake or hug."
Please click on the links for further information about risks and symptoms, and treatment options if needed.
For any further questions please contact: [email protected]
Labour Day- Monday 28th October (No school today) Assessment Week (End of Year) Week 3 Term 4 - October 28th to 1st November All Souls Day Liturgy- Wednesday 30th October 2:20pm (Period 5) St Ignatius' Got Talent - Wednesday 6th November 6pm in La Storta Grandparents Mass - Monday 11th November 7:30am - This is a ticketed event. School Production Auditions - Monday 11th November to Friday 15th November Xavier House Mass - Wednesday 13th November Teacher Only Day - Wednesday 20th November Year 7 2025 Transition Day - Wednesday 20th November Confirmation Liturgy - Friday 22nd November 11am - Due to limited space, these tickets are limited to the whanau of those students receiving the Sacrament. Year 7 Camp - Wednesday 4th - Friday 6th December Prizegiving - Tuhrsday 12th December Last Day of School - Thursday 12th December 12pm
Grandparents Mass
The College invites all grandparents and grandparent figures of students to a Grandparents' Mass on Monday 11th November, at 7:30 a.m. Tea and Coffee will follow the Mass, and students will have an opportunity to give their grandparents a tour of the school before the beginning of the school day. Due to limited space in the Companions of Jesus Chapel, this will be a ticketed event. Tickets are available free of charge on the College website. |
Confirmation Liturgy
St Ignatius of Loyola Catholic College invites the families of the students being Confirmed to join us on Friday November 22nd, at 11:00 a.m., as Bishop Steve confers the Sacrament of Confirmation. This is a full-school Liturgy in La Sorta (the College Hall). Due to limited space, these tickets are only for families of those students receiving the Sacrament. Please note that this will be a liturgy without communion. Spaces are limited, so you need to reserve a ticket. |
Hi my name is Andrea Dennis-Lowther. My husband and I have lived in Pukekohe for over 14 years and have 2 daughters. Madison is a year 8 and Jasmine is a year 5 at a school nearby. I'm currently on 2 PTA's and enjoy bringing ideas and contacts to the table and watching them grow.
The PTA has established a second-hand uniform Facebook page for those looking to buy or sell: St Ignatius of Loyola College Uniforms (Buy/Sell) | Facebook
 | | Just a reminder about our events coming up- we'd love to see you at some of them!
29 November 2024, Year 7 and 8 Neon Fiesta 10 December 2024, Christmas picnic 21 February 2025, Year 7 and 8 social event/disco 28 February 2025, Pickleball night 09 May 2025, Quiz Night
Any questions, please contact [email protected]
 Friends of the PTA
If you’re not interested in joining the PTA, then read on!
We are looking for people who don’t want to come to meetings or organise events – people who just want to help out occasionally, as much or as little as they can manage. People like you.
One event a year or every event on the calendar, it’s up to you. There is no obligation.
Be a Friend of the PTA and lend a hand when you can – simply email us your name and phone number at [email protected].  |
“Son of David, have pity on me.”
Imagine yourself being in darkness. The uncertainties and the fear can feel overwhelming. Then, there is a glimmer of hope. Light and vision now become a possibility. That is probably the experience of Bartimaeus, the blind beggar sitting outside Jericho, as told in this Sunday’s Gospel reading (Mark 10:46-52). When Bartimaeus could hear that Jesus was coming his way, he shouted, “Son of David, have pity on me.” To be able to call Jesus that way, Bartimaeus must have come to the knowledge of God’s consolation. And he must have had faith.
Bartimaeus’ story could perhaps resonate with our own story as a school community. This southern part of Auckland never had a secondary Catholic school before ours. Our school’s founders and supporters must have gone through periods of uncertainties and darkness when they were considering their options over two decades ago. In those times, they must have had a glimmer of hope coming at them. They seized the opportunity and they called out to God, “Jesus, Son of David, have pity on us.” Despite many difficulties and even opposition attempting to shut them down, they shouted even louder, “Have pity on us!” They had the desire to “see.”
Then, their faith came to fruition. God noticed them, and they were called. And their reaction was like that of Bartimaeus. Without hesitation, they took off their cloak. They relinquished their comfort zone to come to the Lord, to present themselves. Their faith has saved them! And as the story unfolded, like that of Bartimaeus, they followed the Lord along the way until this school was opened and is now well and truly established. This story may be worth reflecting on. Perhaps, it could well be our school’s heritage.
 As a community and as individuals, we face challenges, difficulties and times of darkness. Saint Ignatius taught us that in times of desolation, remember the times of previous consolation. In our dark times, we are called to remember God’s good graces given to us in the past, keep our faith and even shout, “Jesus, have pity on us.” This attitude may help propel us to quickly respond to the call from Him, and help us be ready to get up and take off our cloak, leaving our comfort zone, to follow Him along the way. |
Nacho's News Issue 19
Nacho's News Issue 19 is out now. | |  |
Nacho's New Issue 18
Nacho's New Issue 18 is out now! | |  |