Principal's Message
Tēnā Koutou Katoa,
There are three key aspects of formation in a Jesuit school; academic, spiritual and social justice formation. Whilst attending to all of the needs and aspirations of our students, formation in these aspects of our school provision are crucial to enable our students to grow to become people for and with others, to go out and set the world on fire.
Yesterday, Year 9 participated in a day of spiritual formation in La Storta and the Companions of Jesus Chapel. The theme for the day was to unpack our school motto, 'Finding God in all things'. Our motto is an affirming and positive message of hope and of value. When we find God in ourselves we are affirmed and know that we are loved and valued unconditionally, when we find God in others we grow in our appreciation of them and recognise that they are loved, when we find God in our common home, our love and care for our environment grows. We look forward to our Year 7 and 8 retreat days later in our programme. You can read more about the Year 9 retreat below.
It was a real pleasure for the college to see families attend our event yesterday and for staff to meet so many of you. The more we talk and connect the more we build our school community and become one body. Thank you for your attendance, we are very grateful for such strong parent and caregiver support and look forward to the many more opportunities we have planned to connect and grow together.
In veniens Deum in omnibus.
Dean Wearmouth |
Year 9 Retreat Thursday 29th February 2024
Here is a poignant reflection from two of our Year 9 ākonga / students:
'Yesterday at school, on Thursday the 29th of February, St Ignatius of Loyola Catholic College had their first retreat day. Year 9's were lucky to be the first year of students to be able to participate in this. At the retreat our main focus was gratitude, we reflected, prayed and played some fun games.
We have personally never experienced a retreat before and we felt overwhelmed with joy. Being able to connect with God was such an amazing experience especially being surrounded by our peers. The opportunity to reflect and express gratitude for the importance in your life was truly special, having moments to discuss what each and every person is grateful for. Fr. Eka led us in Mass in the new school chapel, he knew how to make the retreat fun and exciting while still reminding us of our focus. All of the teachers helped make the retreat what it was, they made it special and fun. Mr Grevatt, organized everything and we wouldn't have been able to have as good an experience without him. Mr. Williams, Mr Benge, Ms Clark, Mrs. Hartland and Mrs Harrison all supervised us.''
Isla Smith 9XB and Je T’aime Bradley 9XB
We are thrilled to witness the positive impact of such experiences on our students' personal and spiritual growth. Thank you for your continued support in enriching our students' educational journey. |
Meet the Teacher Event Thursday 29th February 2024
Our Meet the Teacher event was truly a wonderful occasion with positive feedback widely received about the evening itself and the manner in which the College has begun the year. The resounding support of our wider community was very evident. We'd like to share with you some of the fabulous feedback we received yesterday below.
Parent / Caregiver Feedback
'Our child loves school and the communication is great'
'School is very well organised, transport is excellent and the teachers are amazing'
'We have been very impressed with the first few weeks. Our daughter comes home happy and excited to return to school each day. She is very happy with all her teachers and seems to have built a relationship with most of them already.'
'As soon as we walked into the school, we felt a homely, relaxed and happy environment for learning that allows students to be themselves. The staff were so welcoming and excited to meet us.'
'My child is very happy at school and is excited to be making new friends.'
This week we have been celebrating ākonga in each year level who received outstanding Weekly Excellence Reviews. We celebrate them being more fully alive and reflecting the greater glory of God through their words and actions. They were acknowledged in their year level assembly and will receive a House Point.
Year 7 Emma Ronald Samuel Speedy Azariah Stobart Evony Burford
Year 8 Lachlyn Makahununiu Anna Quinlan Raiden Dawinan Remy MacGilloway Amaria Matai Aja-Lucia Vatau Larissa Weggen - Annie Yu
Year 9 Peni Helu Frankie Frost Therese Wong Travis Baldwin Kerry McMahon Annabelle Shields Jamie Barillas Emereziana Lautua Ruby waugh Isla Smith Kaiara Roberts
Ākonga Leadership Ākonga/student leadership at our college encompasses both formal and informal roles and an expectation that all ākonga will answer the call to leadership. Across all leadership opportunities ākonga will gain a deeper understanding of what it means to be a leader not just in our Catholic Ignatian College but in the wider world beyond the classroom. Ultimately, our leadership programmes will equip our young people with a deep sense of what it means to the ‘people for and with others’. Growing leaders who work together to build a compassionate and just world where all people can live to their full potential.
As our College grows so too will our leadership model and the opportunities it presents. Initially we will offer a broad leadership portfolio to encourage a high level of ākonga participation.
Ignatian Leaders All Year 7 and 8 ākonga have the opportunity for leadership through their Rōpū Kaiārahi.
Ignatian Leaders will: -Assist the Kaiārahi with the organisation and operation of the Rōpū Kaiārahi -Encourage and promote ākonga participation and belonging in all aspects of College life and opportunities which are presented -Visibly support and lead our Special Catholic Character in Rōpū Kaiārahi and across our College
House Leaders All Houses will have a group of 4-6 leaders in each Year 9 Rōpū Kaiārahi.
House Leaders will: -Assist the Kaiārahi with the organisation and operation of the Rōpū Kaiārahi -Assist the House Leader in the leadership, organisation and delivery of House activities across the school -Encourage high levels of ākonga participation in House Activities -Support the House Leader in running House Competitions and all Wednesday afternoon House activities -Take a lead role in developing the distinct culture, spirituality and identity of their House across the school
Magis Centre Kaitiaki Pukapuka/Student Librarians This week we announced one of our leadership positions, Magis Centre Kaitiaki Pukapuka, our student librarians. These students will be taking on many roles within our Magis Centre, and also helping the Library to run smoothly. We had a large amount of applicants, all of a very high standard, and it was very difficult to choose. Congratulations to the following students who were selected;
Bela Vera Giri Kourtney Sublette Emma Ronalds Olivia Malele Madison Lowther Samuel Speedy Albertus-Magnus Lautua Breonna Johnson Davina Roebeck La Reina Weale Stella Thomson Bella Harman Ashleen Kaur Faustina Finau Loisi Liava'a
Throughout this year there will be many leadership opportunities across all aspects of our college life, in subject areas, and in co-curricular activities.
CommunicationShould any of your personal information change we ask that you please advise the College at your earliest convenience. This includes any medical or learning information that you would like to bring to the attention of the College.
Updates can be done by: - editing your details under the 'Your Details' tab on the SchoolBridge app; or - emailing [email protected] |
 | | Notices Each day ākonga recieve daily notices regarding events happening in school, practices and rehearsals.
To keep up to date with daily notices and to help support your child you can access these notices through the school app using the Notice icon shown to the left. |
  This Saturday Waka Kotahi be holding a community information day about projects in the Drury and South Auckland area.
Pop in anytime from 10am-1pm on Saturday 24 February at Drury Hall on 10 Tui Street in Drury and learn more about the State Highway 1 Papakura to Drury and Papakura to Bombay projects, upgrades to SH22 in Drury, the Waihoehoe Road upgrade, the SH22 Paeraataa roundabout project, and KiwiRail's Drury Rail Stations and electrification to Pukekohe. Teams will be there to answer your questions.
Do you have a community notice you would like us to share? Please email [email protected]
“The gifts and the Giver” On Thursday, our Year 9 students attended their and the school’s first Retreat Day with a theme of gratitude. Through the different activities and reflective moments, the students were invited to get to know themselves, what is important in their lives and where God has been present. Many reflected on and talked about the importance of families, relationships with their loved ones, health, education and many more things which had made them feel most grateful about life and to God.
The celebration of the Eucharist (Mass) also took place around mid-day on the Retreat Day. The special Gospel reading chosen was the story of Jesus’ encounter with ten lepers (Luke 17:11-19). Ten lepers were healed, but only one, a Samaritan, came back to Jesus to give thanks and praise him. In their context, being a leper meant that they were completely cast out from society because of their infectious skin disease. They had to depend on the mercy and almsgiving of others. So, being healed by Jesus, all ten were able to re-enter their communities, enjoying the privileges of being part of society again. However, only one came back to Jesus, thanking him and praising him for what Jesus had done for him. While the other nine get to celebrate their new skins, a renewed life full of promises; only one, a Samaritan, a foreigner, was able to recognise, appreciate and be truly grateful for the one who granted him the renewed life. He was able to distinguish the gift from the giver. He would celebrate the gift but build a relationship with the giver. In life, we receive gifts in many different forms: families, relationships, health, education, our memories, understanding. Even a piece of paper or a thank you card written by a thoughtful someone can give us a warm feeling of being affirmed and being loved. Yes, the invitation is for us to recognise and appreciate the gifts, to celebrate them. Beyond that, the more important invitation is for us to recognise the giver and the Ultimate Giver - God. The more we are attuned to this reality, the easier it will hopefully be for us to find God in all things. |