Kia Ora Tatou This week started with a farewell to our second group of internationals students from Thailand this year. The students had a very enjoyable time and were a real pleasure to have in school. Once again, thank you to the homestay parents who hosted our international guests and also the students who were buddies and helped our Thai students find their way about the school and make friends. In feedback from the Thai students they did appreciate the homestay families and the friendliness of our students in school and in particular the buddies. SNOB Last Friday we hosted the annual senior ball on the school grounds. The event was a great success and was one of the largest with the numbers attending greater than we have had for a number of years. Additionally, the crowd to see the arrival of students at the event was the biggest one which we have seen as well. In addition to the high numbers that turned out for the event it was also the best participation in the event with very few students sat down and most up, dancing and enjoying themselves during the night. The SNOB Committee did an excellent job in organising the event and ensuring that everyone had a great time. Thank you also to those people who provided the cars and the whanau who supported students to attend this great function. Paid Union Meeting A reminder that Monday (20 May) will be the paid union meeting and school will finish at 1pm. Some buses will be departing early and this was communicated last week. Whanau requiring supervision for students should have this information into the school office by now. All other buses will depart at 3:18pm as usual. Cell phones away for the day Since introducing the ‘Cell phones away for the day’ requirements we have noticed that the number of students who are breaching this expectation has declined greatly. On the first day there were about 15 cell phones in the office and this reduced to 3-4 by the end of the week. Now we see just 1 or 2 being sent to the office. On a positive note we have also noted that we have fewer ‘friendship’ issues to deal with and students are more engaged socially about the school. These are just two of the positive changes we have seen so far. As stated in our initial advice as to our procedure, we do now have security pouches which took longer than expected to arrive. As detailed below, the student’s cell phone may be placed in a security pouch and then handed back to them so that they cannot access the functions. On Tuesday I spoke with students and confirmed the following:
- The first breach: cell phone placed in security pouch until the end of the day
- The second breach: cell phone placed in security pouch for next two days and unlocked at the end of each day
- The third breach: cell phone placed in security pouch for one week and unlocked at the end of each day
- The fourth breach: cell phone placed in security pouch and placed into the school office for parent/whanau to collect.
The pouches require a special magnetic unlock. This will be placed in the foyer for students to use at 3:10om each day. This allows students time to leave class at the end of the day and still make it in time to catch their bus at 3:18pm The security pouches are a loaned item and individually marked. If the pouch is not returned or is damaged a charge of $35 will be added to the student account, an after school detention will be applied and the parent/whanau will be informed. If parents wish to apply for an exemption for students to have access to their cell phone and use it during the school day they will need to apply for an exemption using the form: Pink Shirt day Today has been Pink Shirt Day which is a national anti bullying initiative. It was good to see so many student supporting this event and arriving dressed with a pink item of clothing. It is a timely reminder as to what bullying actually means. It is :
- Deliberate harm to another person
- It can involve a mis-use of power in a relationship.
- It is repeated unwanted behaviour that can cause harm.
South Otago High School works hard to provide a safe place for all students to attend schools and have a sense of belonging and connection.
Loves me not, Thursday 16 May As in previous years, the Y12 students worked for the day with police, health and other agencies looking at what forms healthy and positive relationships. This programme was developed and inspired by the mother Sophie Elliot, young woman who was murdered by her partner who held an abuse of power. The school provides this programme to educate and support all students to make positive, long lasting and healthy relationships. We appreciate the support of the agencies that provide this programme to schools. Teacher Only Day On Friday, 31 May, the school will be closed for instruction for the whole day to allow teaching staff to engage in professional development to support the changes to New Zealand curriculum and changes to NCEA. Whilst I acknowledge that this may inconvenience some families it is also important that teachers do have this time to meet with colleagues and attend specialist training and development work to ensure we are providing the best opportunities for students in the future. A letter will be sent with this newsletter with more details. Finally We have a very busy term ahead! I have been reviewing our plan for the remaining seven weeks of the term and noted the following events and activities for students:
- 17 May: Pink Shirt day;
- 22 May: PISA Testing;
- 20, 21, 23,24,27 and 29 May Common Assessment Activities for Y10 - 11;
- 27 May: Tertiary Open day for Y13;
- 31 May: Teacher only day;
- 3 June: Kings Birthday public holiday;
- 19 June: Taieri Interchange;
- 27 June: Matariki Breakfast;
- 28 June: Matariki public holiday.
Not included here are all the class trips, weekend and after school sports and cultural events. Whilst some of these activities are part of our normal school routines they are all in addition to the ‘work as usual’ for teachers within the school. Many of these activities do take a lot of time to plan and prepare for and are only able to be offered due to the goodwill of teachers who give up their own time to ensure that these activities are able to proceed. I expect that our school community ensures that we acknowledge this significant contribution that teachers make to both the life of the school and the wider community, Ka kite ano |