South Otago High School News

2024 Newsletter

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31 May 2024 Newsletter

Kia Ora Tatou
Today has been a teacher only day and this has been an invaluable opportunity for teachers to undertake more developmental work for teaching and learning programmes for students. These teacher only days are just part of the ongoing work undertaken by teachers to invest in the future of all of our students.
Principal’s conference
For part of last weekend and the first part of this week I attended the Secondary Principal Association conference which is one of the most valuable learning opportunities for principals during the year. One of the workshops I attended related to the work schools undertake to give effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi. As part of the workshop we were asked to reflect and share where we felt our schools were at in ensuring we are honouring Te Tiriti as well as discussing the history and difference between the Treaty of Waitangi and Te Tiriti o Waitangi. Whilst I acknowledge that we are on a journey to give full effect to Te Tiriti I do believe that our work and development is comparable to many other kura and I am looking forward to our ongoing development and working with our community in the future.
Parent teacher interviews
Thank you to all the parents and students who attended the parent teacher meetings on Wednesday evening. The evening was busy for teachers and I hope that parents found the time useful and constructive. A child’s success is not just the responsibility of the school. Whanau and home also have an important role to play in supporting their child’s success. This can be ensuring that whanau are talking about what akonga are learning, and not accepting ‘I did nothing at school’. Making sure that your child has breakfast and food to eat during the day. Students cannot learn if they are hungry. Parents can also ensure that their child has a warm comfortable place to sit and work and also encouraging regular reading at home. Whanau reinforcing the school values or respect, excellence and perseverance are also good attributes for our students to develop.
Matariki Breakfast
Last year we added a new event on the school community calendar and hosted our first Matariki Breakfast. The event was a great success and we now want to open the event to all whanau to come along, enjoy a breakfast and celebrate this important time of the year. In the next week, a letter will be emailed home with details of how to register your attendance at this event. We will welcome students accompanied by whanau and siblings will also be welcome to join us for the event. We will be asking for a gold coin donation towards the cost of this event. The breakfast will be held at school on Thursday 27 June and I hope that you will be able to join us.
Common Assessment Activities
This week the first round of common assessment activities were finished. This has been a new challenge for the school to ensure that we provide the necessary assessment conditions and has been an added activity on the school calendar. We are reviewing our processes as the first cohort have finished these assessments. There will be a second opportunity for students in September and I anticipate that there will be some refinements to our processes to ensure that these assessments run smoothly and students are prepared.
Outward Bound Scholarship
A reminder that the Community Trust of Otago is providing a partial scholarship (valued at $3500) for a Year 12 student to attend a course. This has been advertised to Year 12 students who have been asked to write ‘an expression of interest’ and submit this to the school office no later than 3pm on Friday 7 June. The expression of interest needs to provide details:

  • Why the student wishes to attend?
  • What they anticipate they will learn and so gain from participating?

Interested students are encouraged to look at the Outward Bound website
For senior students who have tertiary programmes or work placements on today (Friday) it will have been business as usual. I am sure that many others will have had the day at home and I hope used their time wisely. We are now embarking on a long weekend as all students will be off on Monday as we mark the public holiday of Kings Birthday. I hope that as a family it is an opportunity to spend time together and also to get outside and enjoy our special part of the country.
Have a great weekend
Ka kite ano

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