Taupo College News

Taupo nui-a-Tia Community Newsletter
28 March 2024

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Term 1 - Week 9

Tēnā koutou

During our school assemblies this week we were able to acknowledge students who have completed and handed in our Tia Values cards for demonstrating our values of Whakapono, Wero, and Manaakitanga around school.  A completed card requires 15 signatures from teachers.  A draw was held to pull out a student’s card from each year level in each of our assemblies, and since it’s nearly Easter, we handed out large chocolate eggs to these students. We will have a major prize draw at the end of each term.  We would be grateful if you could reinforce our school values at home as well - we believe they will be applicable at home too.  

  • Whakapono - reflect honesty and integrity in all that you do.
  • Wero - show courage and bravery in all school-related activities, and challenge yourself and others around you to be your best.
  • Manaakitanga - respect and support everyone around you, work well with others, show care and a sense of duty for others and the environment.

Our school reports, sent out near the end of term, will also reflect the values above.

Near the end of term we also hope to send out an update on your child’s attendance for the year so far.  The ministry of education has outlined attendance benchmarks as below:

  • 90%+ is defined as regular attendance
  • 80-90% is defined as irregular absence
  • 70-80% is defined as moderate absence
  • Below 70% is defined as chronic absence

Our attendance rate for the year so far sits at 84.1% overall.  Our Year 12 and Year 13 year groups are leading the way at the moment with attendance rates of 86.6% and 86.7%.  Ka pai to mahi (well done) to these year groups.  The key message to students and whānau is that every period, every day matters.

As mentioned in last week’s newsletter, this term’s policy schedule via SchoolDocs is now able to be reviewed. 
Use the details below to log in and provide any feedback. https://taupocollege.schooldocs.co.nz/Logon.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2f 
Community Username:  taupocollege
Community Password:  3330

Finally, we hope you have a fantastic Easter break filled with whānau time, and of course copious amounts of chocolate!  Aroha nui from all the team here at Taupo-nui-a-Tia College - kia kaha!

Other important panui are below:

New skirt
Starting from Term 2, 2024, we are excited to announce the addition of a straight-style skirt, alongside our current skirt, which is available for purchase via our website, as part of our school uniform options. With the introduction of this new skirt, the older style straight skirt, which has not been available for over six years, will no longer be a part of our uniform. From Term 3, 2024, it will be considered a non-uniform item.  The new straight-style skirt is not currently listed on the Argyle website.
We want to highlight that Year 12 students who currently own the older style straight skirt will be exempt from this change. We understand that requiring them to purchase a new skirt for just two terms would be unfair. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we strive to enhance and update our uniform options to better suit the preferences and needs of our students.

Ngā mihi

Ben Claxton


                                               Careers Information

Thinking about university?

University information sessions for students started on 11 March. These visits are a great way to help students with how and when to enrol in courses for their undergraduate programme. Sessions will be in D16 at lunchtime – 12.50pm to 1.40pm.
8 April - AUT University
11 April – University of Otago


                                      Sporting News
Winter Sports Fees
Winter sports fees will be loaded onto students' accounts next week, fees need to be paid before the competition starts in term 2.  
If you need to set up an automatic payment please email, [email protected].


We are always looking for welcoming families to host our International students. 
We have multiple students arriving. Some will stay till December and others are staying for a full year. We have boys and girls, and will always take your preference into account. 
All those students are coming to NZ to experience the beauty of our country and the people who live here.
We are looking for homestays, who can be a second family for those students. Who will be able to engage them in their life. The students will need a room for themselves and of course they will have meals with you. The weekly allowance from January 2024 will be $290 per week. We can place two students from a different background in one family, if you can offer two rooms,  but won’t be able to place two students with the same nationality  in one family.
Before we will accept you, the school will visit you at your home and to talk about many practical aspects of hosting a student. We also will undertake a police vet check for core caregivers.
During the students stay you can rely on full 24/7 support from the school, to ensure a pleasant stay.
For more information, please get in touch with Aniek Lenoir on [email protected]
We will be able to send you an information package, and will follow up with a phone call.


Join us in the school hall for "Elevate" brought to you by the Taupo Business Chamber and Master Builders NZ.

Immerse yourself in an electrifying atmosphere as we welcome guest speaker Jehan Casinader, journalist, keynote speaker, and mental health advocate. Jehan has been named “Broadcast Reporter of the Year” at the Voyager Media Awards in 2020, and “Reporter of the Year” at the New Zealand Television Awards in 2018.

In the aftermath of natural disasters, terror attacks, sporting triumphs, and everything in between, Jehan has helped hundreds of Kiwis to share their vulnerable, deeply personal stories with the rest of the country.

Prepare to be motivated, empowered, and uplifted as you absorb invaluable wisdom and strategies for personal and professional growth.

Secure your spot now for an evening of empowerment and achievement! 

Light snacks provided; cash bar available (Eftpos only).
RSVP: https://events.humanitix.com/elevate-3d7s3yft 


North Island Mountain Bike Championships

Cross Country, Downhill and Enduro events at this year's Mountain Bike Champs

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National Triathlon Championships

Everyone heads home with a medal !

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NZRCA Champions!

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CNI Sailing

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U20 Crusaders Coaches Giving Back

U20's Crusaders Coaches Giving Back

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