Principal's Message
Tēnā Koutou St Ignatius Community,
Congratulations to all students who received the Sacrament of Confirmation at the college today. We look forward to all who received the Sacrament attending their local parishes, at the arranged times, to receive the Sacrament of First Holy Communion during one of the weekend Masses.
This week we welcomed the new Year 7 cohort into school for a transition day. It was a real pleasure to see all of their expectant faces as they arrived, seeking to find a place where they will feel welcome, a sense of belonging and a sense of shared mission; a place where they can find God. The faith and hope of our new cohort of students was clear to see and it was excellent to also see our student leaders guiding them and helping them to begin to feel that they will belong within our community when they arrive next year.
Reflecting on the experience, it is very noticeable that our students are growing to become real leaders; becoming men and women for and with others. They care that every member of our community feels loved by one another and loved by God and they care about contributing to our community. It is not a secret that our young people are growing to become great because they are experiencing a Catholic Ignatian education.
A key aspect that is contributing to the formation of our young people is the daily examen, which happens between period 4 and lunch every day. In this time, students are led in a prayerful reflection to review the previous 24 hours to reflect in gratitude on where they have found God in their own lives. Students are then encouraged to have a conversation with Jesus on how they have been during the previous day and how they can become even greater. This ongoing and genuine encounter with Christ cannot be underestimated in the growth and formation of our young people. When we find God in our lives we are affirmed and loved, when we find God in others we see the value in them as people also loved by God; each created unique. When we find God in our relationships and what we have been doing during the day then we are affirmed of the value of community and creation. Our young people are experiencing every day that they are loved, others around them are loved and we can find the love of God in our common home. We are becoming great by finding God in all things. Inveniens Deum in omnibus.
Kia kitea te Atua kei roto i ngaa mea katoa,
Dean Wearmouth |
Confirmation Liturgy
Today the college celebrated the Confirmation Liturgy. We were blessed to have Bishop Stephen Lowe as the main presider, assisted by Fr. Eka and Fr. Robert. It was wonderful to see so many of our ākonga receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. Congratulations to you all.
We had a professional photographer onsite, so we will post those photos on our website as soon as they become available.   |
Mathematics - Basic Facts
Once a term, all students are tested on their maths basic facts. We encourage akonga to strive to reach a score of 70% or more. Basic facts are the building blocks of more challenging maths, and having instant recall of them reduces the cognitive load. In other words, if you know your basic facts by heart, your brain doesn’t have to work hard to do them. This means you can focus on more challenging work and build on your knowledge.  In Terms 1 and 2, under half of akonga were achieving the goal of 70% or more, but as you can see from the graph they are improving steadily which we are thrilled to see!
If your child could do with some practice they could use this website, thanks to Ms Baker for the recommendation
https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button PE - Adrenaline Forest Trip
On Thursday two of our Year 9 classes went on an outdoor education trip to Adrenaline Forest, a high ropes confidence course. Many had to push themselves outside their comfort zone, take risks, and trust their peers. It was a challenging, but fun-filled day.
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Week Ahead
Friday 22nd November Futsal Training - Yr 9 Girls La Storta 3pm
Monday 25th November Futsal - Boys VS Sancta Maria Futsal - Girls VS Sancta Maria
Wednesday 27th November Basketball Training La Storta 3:15pm
Thursday 28th November Futsal Training Y8/9 Boys La Storta 12.50pm --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This Week's Results
Boys Futsal VS Alfriston Loss 3-1 The boys played top of the table Alfriston College. Thet were leading 1-0 at half-time and were playing extremely well. Alfriston found another gear and scored 3 goals in the second half.
Girls Futsal VS Papakura High School Loss 14-0 While the score line does not reflect their level of effort and improvement, the girls played very well and stopped a number of goal attempts.
The first touch season has come to an end. While the teams didn’t finish with a win or placing, they ended on a positive note. The focus from coaching has been on building a strong, positive team culture that can grow over time. Many of our opponents have been playing together for years, but our boys' touch team reflected on the values of the Society of Jesus, emphasizing friendship and teamwork as a strong foundation for our sports teams. All players improved their skills and understanding of the game, and it was great to see so many supporters on the sidelines.  Polo
On Tuesday, 19 November, 14 of our students had the privilege of participating in a “Give It a Go Polo Day” at Ainsley Polo in Pukekohe East. During this exciting experience, students were introduced to the fundamentals of polo, including learning how to hold and swing a polo foot mallet. Each student also had the opportunity to ride and practice their technique. The sun was shining and much fun was had.
To conclude the afternoon, the students enjoyed snacks and refreshments that were also provided by Ainsley Polo, adding to what was an already memorable day.
We extend our sincere gratitude to Kel and Lucy Ainsley for generously hosting this event and providing our students with such a unique opportunity.  | |  |
  Ākonga Elective
Logic Games
We have a selection of logic games that test not only logic but also spatial, memory and reasoning. Many games are for single player's to advance through problems from beginner to expert level. Students track their progress to see how far they can get. We have other games that are for multiplayers like QBits and Triovision which test your ability to see patterns and move them around in your mind. Rummikub involves more numbers and involves manipulation and sequence. There are many games for all interests.  STEM Club
This week in STEM Club, we enjoyed a presentation by Year 9 student Elysia Rollo and her robotics teammate, Finn. Together, Elysia and Finn have been designing, building, and coding a robot for the FIRST® Robotics Competition. This prestigious national and international event prepares young people for the future through life-changing robotics programs that build skills, confidence, and resilience. About FIRST Elysia and Finn explained the details of the upcoming competition and gave a live demonstration of their robot to the STEM Club students. Currently, the STEM Club uses VEX robotics kits, but the FIRST® Robotics Competition presents an exciting pathway for our senior STEM students in the future. A big thank you to Elysia, Finn, and Karen Rollo for inspiring us with their innovative robotic creation. We wish them the very best of luck at the national competition in Hawke’s Bay this December!
  Mathematics Competition Club
Many students have been improving how they approach tricky maths problems by participating in this elective. We learn from each other as well as the teacher, tips, tricks and strategies to help us work efficiently and hopefully apply that learning to maths competitions. This year we have worked on preparing for competitions like Otago Problem Challenge and Mathex but we hope in the future we will continue to increase the selection of maths competitions to choose from. Our efforts in this elective were certainly on display during the Mathex competition with our year 8 teams dominating the Franklin division.
 Nacho's News
The next issue is out now! Please follow the link in the News section at the bottom of this Newsletter. |
Year 6 Transition Day
On Wednesday we welcomed all our 2025 Year 7 ākonga/students to spend the day with us at school. Ākonga/students were welcomed by our 2025 Student Leaders and spent some time in small groups getting to know each other and exploring our school campus. They enjoyed lesson experiences in science, food technology and religious education and finished the day experiencing an Examen led by Fr Eka Tanaya. Student and family feedback has been very positive and we look forward to a new cohort joining our community in 2025.  |
Inaugural College Yearbook
Staff have been busy preparing our very first St Ignatius Yearbook. It is so exciting to see all the amazing content included which records and celebrates our historic foundation year.
A $30 voluntary charge has been added on to your accounts - please check your Schoolbridge account and pay as soon as you can please.
Yearbooks will be distributed to those who have paid in the last week of term. | |  |
 Sport and Group Photos
Please follow the instructions below to order your team and group photos. Please follow the link to view and order online: https://photosmart.fotomerchanthv.com/search/ Password: stig24
Paste your password/access code (all lowercase) under ‘Find Your Event’ and put in your name and email address. You will be taken to the ordering screen where you have the choice to order laminated or hardboard mounted team photos.  Youth Health Council Update
Over the past year, the Youth Healthline Council has been working on ways to make our school better. One big issue we noticed was that lots of students were just sitting on their laptops at lunchtime instead of going outside and hanging out with others. To fix this, we sent out a survey asking what activities students would like at school. The most popular idea was table tennis! To make it happen, we fundraised by having a wear-your-own-clothes day, a "Guess how many lollies are in the jar" competition, and a raffle. With the money we raised, plus some support from RTLB, we bought a table tennis table and a few other games. This week, table tennis was finally set up, and it’s already making a difference—fewer people are glued to their laptops during break and it was great to share it with our new ākonga/students during our recent transition events!
By Pippa Wilson
Year 7 Quarry Trip - Monday and Tuesday November 25th / 26th Immunisations Years 7 and 8 - Wednesday November 27th Wear Your Own Clothes Day - Friday 29th November (see notice below) Neon Fiesta - Friday 29th November 6 -7:30pm Christmas Advert Liturgy - Monday December 2nd Year 7 Camp - Wednesday to Friday December 4th - 6th Christmas Picnic - Tuesday 10th December Thanksgiving Mass - Wednesday December 11th Final School Day and Prizegiving Morning - Thursday December 12th - School finishes at midday. |
Year 8 Neon Fiesta
Get ready for a night of glowing fun at our Year 8 Neon Fiesta! Join us at school for an evening filled with exciting games, delicious food, awesome prizes, and music by a live DJ. The best part? The price is just $15 per student, and it includes everything—no need to bring anything extra! This is a fantastic opportunity for ākonga to unwind, socialise, and have an unforgettable time. We can’t wait to see everyone there!
Register a group (up to 6) and play for awesome prizes! Group sign up forms can be found in the Magis Centre near the 485 award. Please hand your forms to Mrs Ronald when you have completed it.
Details Date: Friday 29th November Time: 6pm-7:30pm Venue: La Storta Cost: $15, please pay into the school account. Bank account is 02-0191-0480464-01, reference is ākonga's name followed with NF (e.g. J Smith NF)  |
Hi everyone, my name is Jess Lindemann. I've lived in Pukekohe for about 15 years now. I have a son currently in year 8 and hopefully my daughter will be joining year 7 in 2026.
I'm excited to be apart of our schools PTA and I'm looking forward to getting involved and helping out wherever I can!
 | | And don’t forget to check out our upcoming events—we’d love to see you there!
29 November 2024, Year 8 Neon Fiesta 10 December 2024, Christmas Picnic 21 February 2025, Year 7 and 8 Social Event/Disco 28 February 2025, Pickleball Night 09 May 2025, Quiz Night
Any questions, please contact [email protected] |
Confirmed for Holiness
Today, the school had a special celebration. Around 140 of our ākonga have just received the Sacrament of Confirmation, conferred by Bishop Steve Lowe. These students received the most special gift, that is the Gift of the Holy Spirit, who will now help them to become more courageous to make the right decisions in life and more discerning about the truth. The Holy Spirit will help them become holy people.
In the Hebrew language, the word “holiness” means being set apart. In Christianity, we retained the same understanding. When something is declared holy, it is set apart for God. For example, the holy oil that was used at the Confirmation, was perfumed olive oil that has been blessed by the Bishop and set apart for spiritual use. This, however, can make “being holy” be perceived as being better than, or more than the ordinary.
To make ourselves apart from others is a little foreign to our human nature. Humans innately desire connection with others, at least from a Christian perspective. From the first story of Creation, Adam was partnered with Eve. At the Pentecost, the early Christians were already connected as a community, although they were not always in agreement with each other. St. Ignatius of Loyola suggested that our purpose for being human is to be in loving union with God and one another. In his homily today, Bishop Steve also called the Confirmation candidates to work toward unity in a world that is “not right” and fractured. In his address, Mr. Wearmouth also mentioned that we can find God in our relationships with others. Then, perhaps by being confirmed, our students are not set apart to be better than or more than others. They are set apart, only in a way that they now bear the responsibility to become children of God, by becoming more connected and in more union with God, one another and with all God’s creation.
The call to holiness requires practice. The school has established a system of support for our students to develop their practices of faith. The daily activities of our school life are imbued with opportunities for our students to become more deeply connected: to each other, to their teachers and other staff members, to God’s creation, to themselves and to God. Through every prayer before any lesson or programme, the Examen before lunchtime, different Masses and liturgies, reflecting and journaling times, curated school events and activities, all our students are encouraged to become more aware of God’s presence and gifts in their lives.
Hopefully, today’s celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation would add to our students’ sense of gratitude for God’s wonderful gifts in their lives and their sense of belonging to God’s family.
 In many dioceses, including Auckland, Confirmation is the second Sacrament of Initiation. Receiving the Sacrament of the Eucharist (or the First Communion), will make these students full members of the Church. This will be celebrated soon at three different local parish communities to which the students will belong, either at St. Patrick’s in Pukekohe (Sunday, 24 Nov, 10am and 5pm), St. Anne’s in Manurewa (Sunday, 24 Nov, 5pm) and St. Mary’s in Papakura (Saturday, 30 Nov, 5pm). As these students continue their journey in faith, your continued prayers and support would be encouraged and appreciated.
Teacher Aide
We are looking for another positive and experienced Teacher Aide to join our growing team. The successful candidate will be someone with the skills to accompany ākonga on their learning journey, working in partnership with teachers to ensure everyone can achieve their potential. This is a fixed term position for 12 Months.
For further details about the position and the application process follow this link: https://www.seek.co.nz/job/80174265?ref=direct-share-cm-ui |
Nacho's News Issue 23
Nacho's News Issue 23 is out now. Please check it out! | |  |