Principal's Message
Tēnā koutou katoa,
It was great to see parents and family members at the Marian House Mass on Wednesday. We are keen to provide different opportunities for families to engage with the college so I would like to draw your attention to two events next week that we still have remaining tickets for. Our Mothers Day Mass will be taking place on Monday 13th May at 7:15am and our Veneration Mass on Thursday 16th May at 11:15am. All families are very welcome to reserve tickets and can find a link to both events on the homepage of the school website. We look forward to seeing you there and at other school events this term.
In our Church, the month of May is set aside to honour Mary, Mother of God. When St Ignatius of Loyola was travelling to Manresa to take time to discern his mission he made an important stop at the Monastery in Monterrast. There, Ignatius laid down his armor in front of the Madonna, our Lady of Montserrat. This gesture in Ignatius' time, was a common gesture when a knight would lay down his sword to devote his life and loyalty to a king. By laying down his sword to Mary, Ignatius was laying down his life for the greatest King, our Lord and God. He made the greatest commitment to God in the spirit of Mary and in her yes to become a servant of God. Throughout this month, let us too act in this spirit and re-commit ourselves as servants of the Lord. We can do this by rising every day to the challenge to become his greater glory and committing to being the face of Christ for those around us around us. Let us allow others to see Christ in us and let us find Christ in others; this is a commitment but we can do it, we can become the greater glory of God. Ad majoran Dei gloriam.
Inveniens Deum in omnibus,
Dean Wearmouth |
Religious Education
Religious Education has had a great start to the year. Term 1 was full of learning opportunities and positive experiences in class. As a Catholic school, we follow the Religious Education curriculum designed by the National Centre for Religious Studies which is approved by the New Zealand Catholic Bishops. The curriculum has been designed to build on each year's learning so as to build knowledge over a person's time in a Catholic school. Our students were able to experience this in Term 1 as we assessed their prior knowledge and began to dive into new ideas. The Year 7 classes have spent the term learning about and experiencing God through different forms of prayers, the Sacraments and art. This emphasis continues as we learn about the rosary and some of the ways we can become separated from God. Year 8 students have learnt about the developing nature of the Catholic Church. Starting with its foundations in Judaism until the present day in Aotearoa New Zealand. This term we will spend some time focusing on the formation of the Catholic Church in the Pacific and how this still influences us today. In our Year 9 classes, we are reflecting on different images of God. Beginning with the Trinity, the lessons focused on important aspects of the life of Jesus, the Eucharist and the role of art in the development of our own image of God. We are currently looking at different types of art and how different cultures make their own images of God. This work has been made easier with the arrival of different pieces of art for the school chapel. Classes have had time to reflect on this pieces of art and what they tell us about God. All of our units of work stretch across two terms which allows for time to reflect on and discuss issues in class. Every assessment opportunity is offered in three modes of assessment written, verbal and visual in this way students can choose what will work best for them.
“What I love about RE is how I feel more connected to my faith” - Isaiah Baker, Year 8
“One part of RE I really enjoy is the fact we get to be upclose with the learning, get to experience things first-hand and to have the knowledge about the certain subjects.” - Daniel Scott, Year 8
Basic Facts Students are tested once a term on their maths basic facts. In term 1, 39% of students got a mark of at least 70%. This week we tested again and 50% of students got a mark of at least 70%, we are halfway there! Keep practicing! Sport
Rugby A composite team consisting of St Ignatius of Loyola Catholic College, and Papakura High School students, competed on Saturday in the Counties Cup. The team was highlighted for sportsmanship and culture, and came away as runners up in the under 14's division!  |
Netball All St Ignatius Netball teams have officially started. A huge thank you to our volunteer coaches and managers who have helped form 5 teams for our school. We have 3 teams entered into the Counties Manukau Secondary Schools Competition which began Wednesday 8th May, and two teams in the Pukekohe Winter Competition. 4 out of 5 teams won in the first round. Such a positive start for our newly established Netball program.
 Food Technology
Year 8 Food Technology had an amazing time this week making their own Chicken Sesame Kebabs. They were proud of themselves for making a meal from scratch, and they looked delicious!  Ākonga Elective
'Behind the Scenes'
Ākonga in Mrs Harrison’s ‘Behind the Scenes’ elective had their Costume Design Fashion show on Tuesday. The group had spent Term 1 learning about the life of a theatre costume designer and the skills required in designing character costumes. Each student designed a science fiction alien costume and then groups chose the best designs to bring to life using newspapers.
The catwalk was buzzing with models showcasing their creations in front of an excited invited audience. Our special guest Mrs Rabulall judged each design on the following categories: Most durable costume, Most creative costume, Most Eco-Friendly costume and Most overall fabulous costume. Every group came out a winner and a memorable afternoon was had by all.
  Nacho News
Issue Two of our school Newspaper is available via the link in the News section at the bottom of this page. Check it out! |
Manutaki Certificates
This week the following ākonga/student were recognised by their Manutaki for having received an outstanding Weekly Excellence Review in Week 10, Term 1. Year 7 - Nagorry Perelini Year 8 - Enzo Callado Year 9 - Ava Robb
We celebrate these ākonga/students being more fully alive and reflecting the greater glory of God through their work and actions. |
Pompallier Shield
Last Friday Annabelle Shields and Zander Lim competed in Pompallier Shield. Pompallier Shield is a speech competition between the Catholic Secondary Schools of the Auckland Diocese. While the competition was tough, Annabelle and Zander represented the school with pride, a highlight of the day was Zander taking 3rd place in the Junior Prepared Speech. We look forward to competing again next year.  |
International Students
We are looking for families to become homestay caregivers for our short-stay international students. We have students joining us in Term 3 from various countries looking to learn about New Zealand and have a "genuine Kiwi experience". The length of stay for our first few groups is 1 week. You do not need to know any other languages as they would prefer you to speak in English. Families will be reimbursed financially for looking after the students. If you are interested in becoming a homestay caregiver, please get in touch with us at [email protected] and we will send further information. |
Dental Services
Dear Parents and Caregivers, The Auckland Regional Dental Service (ARDS) is a Te Whatu Ora-operated service, which provides free dental care to children across the greater Auckland areas. In order to prevent any eligible children missing out on receiving free dental care, ARDS is cross-checking their own records with school rolls. For our children’s better oral health and wellbeing, our school roll will be shared with the service as required. To find out more information about ARDS, please visit ards.co.nz or call 0800 TALK TEETH (0800 825 583). If you DO NOT want your child/ren's information shared with Te Whatu Ora please contact the College at [email protected] by this Wednesday 15th May 2024.
Immunisation Reminder for Parents of Year 7 and 8 students:
The forms for Boostrix and HPV Immunisations should all be returned by Monday 13th May to indicate if you consent / do not consent to your child receiving the immunisations on Wednesday 15th May.
These two immunisations are free and part of the National Immunisation Schedule for our 11-12 year olds to protect against Human Papillomavirus (HPV), Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Whooping Cough. A team of Te Whatu Ora community nurses will be at school on the day to facilitate the immunisations, but if you have any questions, please email our school nurse Emily via: [email protected]
Whanau Smiles Dental Check Ups
Whanau Smiles will be at school during Week 5 of this term (27th- 31st May) to provide dental check ups for our Year 9 students. Please read the information provided by Whanau Smiles and enrol your child via the link. Parents of year 7 or 8 students can still enrol their child with Whanau Smiles, allowing them to access treatment with the dentist during Week 5 for acute dental pain / concerns, but they will not be called up until Year 9 for a routine check up.
Any questions or concerns, please email Emily on [email protected]
 Kia Ora! As we move forward into 2024, our team would like to thank you for allowing the opportunity to provide quality on-site mobile dentistry to your child. The Ministry of Health have an obligation to ensure all students under the age of 18 have access to FREE dental care. Our team of clinical experts take pride as we play our part, providing oral health services, helping to empower and improve the smiles and wellbeing of the adolescents of St Ignatius of Loyola Catholic College. What is your child entitled to? All students up until their 18th birthday (who are eligible and meet the criteria) can access FREE basic dental care. The dental care is provided on-site at St Ignatius of Loyola Catholic College so your child's experience is as seamless and convenient as possible. These services include: Examinations Radiographs (if required) Preventative treatment such as fluoride application and fissure sealants Scale and Polish Restorative treatment (white fillings) Non orthodontic extractions Root canal treatment Increased awareness of good oral health practices including a FREE Oral Health Kit How Do I Enrol the service available to my child? Enrolling or declining the service is simple! Simply click the link HERE How Do I Decline the service available to my child? Already have your own dentist? Simply click the link HERE Already enrolled your child to our service? Great! We look forward to providing quality dentalcare to your child! Want to learn more, have any questions? email [email protected] Thank you again on behalf of our team, Whanau Smiles!
Important Dates to Remember:
Term Two Winter Uniform Dress Code in effect for all students (see page 17 of the student diary)
Mother's Day Mass and Breakfast - Monday 13th May, 7:15am (This is a ticketed event due to the capacity of the Chapel. Tickets are available through School Bridge.) Year 7 and 8 Immunisations (throughout the day) Wednesday 15th May Veneration Mass - Thursday 16th May (This is a ticketed event due to the capacity of the Chapel. Please see the link in the information below.) Consecration of the College Chapel Saturday 18th May 11.15am (invite only event) Year 7 Parent and Student Loving for Life Health Evening - Tuesday 21st May, 6pm. Loving for Life Year 9 Retreats - 21st-23rd May Teachers Only Day - 24th May Parent Formation Evenings - Monday the 27th of May and Monday the 10th of June, 6pm - 7:30pm. |
Mother's Day Mass and Breakfast Tickets are now available for the Mother's Day Mass and Breakfast on Monday 13th May at 7.15am for $12 per person. Please follow the link below: https://www.ignatius.school.nz/etickets
Mother's Day Breakfast - Volunteers Needed We are looking for adult volunteers to help prepare the food for the Mother's Day Breakfast on Monday 13th May. If you think you could help then please email Mr Grevatt [email protected]  Veneration Mass Please join us on Thursday 16th May at 11:15am as we celebrate a Mass with veneration of relics. These relics are of seven Jesuit saints to be placed in the altar of the Companions of Jesus Chapel. This is a full school Mass in La Sorta (the College Hall). Please stay for a cup of tea afterwards. Spaces are limited so you need to reserve a ticket using the link below: https://www.ignatius.school.nz/etickets  Year 7 Parent and Student Loving for Life Health Evening Year 7 parents and students are invited to attend an evening to begin the conversation about health with their child. It will involve the parent and child together engaging with topics of whanau, puberty and adolescence guided by a facilitator from 'Loving for Life'. 'Loving for Life' is a Catholic health provider that specialises in health programmes for primary and secondary school students.  |
Pukekohe AFC (Football) 13th Grade Thunder team are looking for a couple more players. They train Tuesday and Thursday and games are played home and away on Saturdays. Please get in touch with Mrs Fromont if you are interested. [email protected] |
Relics of Saints Inside Our Chapel’s Altar
A little-known detail in the Catholic Church Tradition which many Catholics may perhaps not be familiar with is the presence of saint relics inside or under the primary altar of a church or a chapel. The tradition goes back to the times of early Christianity, when the religion was considered by the Roman Empire as an illegal movement, disruptive to the cohesion of society.
The followers of Jesus, called Christians, often celebrated memorial Masses of Christ in cemeteries or catacombs, over the grave or a tomb of a martyr. After the legalisation of Christianity under Emperor Constantine (AD 313), churches began to be freely built above ground. The tradition of celebrating Masses on top of martyrs’ tombs was partially retained, by transferring their relics to the altar.
This became a Church tradition, but not without a biblical foundation. The Scripture had prophetically referred to this practice. “I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slaughtered for the word of God and for the testimony they had given” (Rev. 6:9). Venerating relics and having them in the altar is not a practice of saint worship. Rather, it serves as a reminder of our true Christian identity. Being Christian often requires sacrifices in denying ourselves and taking up our cross to follow Jesus (cf. Matt. 16:24).
As a Catholic school community, we are blessed to have such a strong reminder. The Companions of Jesus Chapel will soon have relics deposited in its altar. Relics of seven Jesuit saints have been given to the College by the Curia of the Society of Jesus in Rome. Five of them are first-class relics, meaning that they come from the saint’s body, usually a small piece of bone. We have those of St. Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556), St. Francis Xavier (1506-1552), St. Alberto Hurtado (1901-1952), St. Edmund Campion who was martyred at Tyburn, England (1540-1581) and St. Roberto Bellarmino (1542-1621). The other two are second-class relics, usually a piece of fabric from the saint’s clothing. Ours are of St. Joāo de Britto (1647-1693) and St. Andrzej Bobola, a Polish Jesuit martyred in Lithuania (1597-1657).
Let us ask these saints to pray for the mission that our Lord has entrusted to us as a school community.
Nacho News Issue Two
Issue Two of Our school Newspaper, Nacho News, is out now! | |  |