28th March 2024 Newsletter |
Kia Ora Tatou A shorter week this week and with it a shorter Principal’s address. In assembly I encouraged students “to keep their foot on the gas” and make sure that work is still being completed to avoid a rush of deadlines and work that needs doing in the last week before the holidays.
Property development The property upgrades to the Administration block in school are now complete. You will be able to see that the block is looking smarter and is more accessible to everyone. We have now moved onto the upgrade of D block which will take place in two halves. The expectation is that it will take around 8 weeks to complete both halves. While this work is taking place it means we have four classrooms at a time that we are unable to use. The classes that were in these rooms will be using other rooms for this period of time. There will be some disruption initially but once we are all used to the changes we will be back to business and learning as usual. SNOB We have emailed students a SNOB contract that needs to be returned to the office. Paper copies are also available at the office. It is timely to remind students and whanau of our expectations prior to the event before a ticket is sold:
- Have an attendance rate of at least 80%
- A positive pastoral record for the year
- No outstanding debts payable to the school prior to purchase of tickets (this does not include ‘donations’ which are voluntary)
We will be sending out individual information on this next week so students and whanau are aware of the expectations to attend. Cell phones, away for the day I am pleased to report that this week we have had significantly fewer phones handed in at the office for the day. Students are, in the main, responding well to the changes and are adjusting the way that they work. I have even had students say to me “I am surprised but I actually quite like it”. They then went on to explain they didn’t realise how notifications were effecting them so much by being a distraction and causing them to be constantly checking their phone. And finally Thank you for support with keeping students that are unwell at home. This week we still have some illness but this has not become a bigger issue. Please continue to keep unwell students at home so we don’t have to look at rostering year groups home or postponing activities. This weekend has a much better outlook so I hope you all have some enjoyable family time and a relaxing long weekend. Ka kite ano Nigel Scarth – Acting Principal
Recent News
Peer Support: Cybersafety
Over the next two peer support sessions Year 9 students and Year 13 leaders will have the opportunity to learn some tips to help keep them safe online. | | |
Week Nine - Literacy Tip: Keep on talking!
Over the past few weeks I have had tips for connecting and talking with your child to help you stay involved with them and their learning. | | |