24 November 2023 Newsletter |
Kia Ora Tatou Junior examinations Well done to all our junior students for taking our formal end of year examinations seriously in terms of attitude and work ethic. On a personal note I was particularly pleased to see that the English examination in the Old Gym as able to take place digitally. Our school network stood up to the task and students were able to practise a mode of assessment that will become more familiar to them over time.
Merit and Excellence badges I have been delighted to be presenting the Merit and Excellence badges over the last few junior assemblies. Today was no different with a large number of students gaining recognition for their efforts during the year. Year 10 have done so well that I have run out of Y10 Merit and Excellence badges! An order is on its way. If the badges are not here by the end of the year I will make sure the students get them at the start of 2024. Congratulations to today’s students pictured below.
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Year 10 options for 2024 As students move from Year 9 into Y10 they get the opportunity to make choices about which subject they would like to study. Year 9 students have been provided option forms, and more are available outside my office or the school office, to fill in and return. As some of these options are very popular they can become full. Once an option is filled, on a first come first served basis, I will then look at second choice options. So please encourage your child to return their option form to the box outside my office or the school office as soon as possible. Covid-19 Unfortunately the same as last week we still have a steady number of students who are becoming confirmed Covid cases. The school is doing it’s part by ensuring that there is soap, hot water and drying facilities in toilets. We also continue to have hand sanitizer dispensers. Obviously, sometimes the soap or sanitizer may run out. Students can report this to the office and we will fill dispensers etc. Parents / whanau please reinforce good hygiene practices at home as well. No one wants to be unwell going into the holiday and I am sure that students do not want to miss the opportunity to participate in the end of year activities. And finally As a reminder, expectations of junior students are the same for the next couple of weeks as they have been all year. Although it is a more relaxed time of year we expect that the school values of Respect, Excellence and Perseverance will be shown at all times. Ka kite ano Nigel Scarth - Acting Principal |
Recent News
I Am Hope Samsung Community Project
I Am Hope Samsung Community Project. | | |
Upcoming Dates
Upcoming Dates for Term 4 2023 and Term 1 2024 | | |
Junior Sports Week
Junior "Have A Go" Sports Week. Last week we attended this awesome event in and around Dunedin. | | |
Lost Property
Lost property will be disposed of at the end this term if not claimed by its owner. | | |