23 February 2024 Newsletter |
Kia Ora Tatou This week has been a busy one but the highlight of the week has to be the excellent athletics day on Tuesday. This year we had very good attendance and excellent participation in events. The atmosphere out on the field for the day was really positive and there was great support for athletes who were competing. Thank you to the PE Staff and Pam Hannah for their work in preparing and organising the day to make the great success that it was. Covid recommendations This week we have a number of whanau reporting confirmed covid cases especially in the Year 9 and 10 level. It is timely to remind our community of the Ministry of Health advice for confirmed cases. Their recommendation is 5 days isolation with day zero being the day that first day that the person felt unwell or tested positive. Whilst we rely upon cooperation with operating on this recommendation it is worth noting that any infection can spread easily in school where there are lots of people together. In the South Island this year we have already seen high absences of staff requiring school closure. We would like to avoid this situation so request that you do keep your child at home if they appear unwell. Year 10 Camp, Tautuku There is just one week left before the first groups depart for the annual Year 10 camp at Tautuku. I know that some students who will be pleading with parents not to go and to be allowed to stay at home for the week. For students who do not attend they are expected to attend school and will be joining other classes. Year 10 camp is a very positive experience for students and many senior students put their names forward to return as leaders. The camp provides opportunities for students to be challenged, develop teamwork and communication skills in an environment unlike school. Parents, please do send your child to the camp. We will take good care of them and they will enjoy the experience! Chrome books As we are about to start the fifth week of the school year we are noticing some students neglecting to bring their chrome book to school and so be prepared for their lesson. Whilst I understand a chrome book/device may not be needed in every lesson of a day, students should still arrive prepared. This means having the Chromebook in their bag, charged and ready to use. The school does have a limited number of chrome books for loan if a student has forgotten their device. If whanau are not able to provide a Chromebook/device then please contact Mr Hynds to discuss a long term loan rental. Be protected against meningococcal disease The following information was circulated to schools earlier this week. Whilst it was aimed at schools with hostels or boarding schools the information will be relevant for older siblings who may be about to or have recently moved to halls of residence for tertiary study: Meningococcal disease is a dangerous illness that can kill or cause serious disability. The best way to protect against the disease is to be vaccinated with both the MenB and the MenACWY vaccines. Until 28 February, these are available free for those aged 13 to 25 in close living situations such as a boarding school or hostel. Please pass this message on to your school community - vaccination appointments can be made with their healthcare providers. For more information visit: Meningococcal vaccines – Te Whatu Ora | Health New Zealand Finally Thank you to all the whanau who supported the sausage sizzle during the athletics day to raise funds for Saryn Semmens and her family to be able to buy a special bicycle. The BBQ was well supported and the money raised will be paid to the family to support this project. A letter of appreciation from Saryn’s family has been received by the school. Once again thank you for your support which will no doubt be a great help to the family and Saryn in particular. Have a great weekend. Ka kite ano |
Recent News
House Leaders
Congratulations to the following Year 13 students who are leaders within their houses for 2024. | | |
Athletics Day 2024
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Week Four From the English Department
Lots of parents share with us that they struggle to get their kids to read at home. It isn’t something we do as often as we used to as a society. I have 3 suggestions this week to encourage some reading at home. | | |