Principal's Message
Tēnā koutou katoa,
When we created our vision for the college this year, it was a vision that honoured all students in the school community for how they were created by God and how we could help them grow in their own uniqueness. Families will remember completing details about strengths, hobbies, achievements and passions on the enrolment application form and discussing our planned co-curricular programme at enrolment interviews. We recognised that the arts are important for many of our students, so they are important at the college and we work to provide opportunities for all students to flourish and grow in them. Our Illuminations event yesterday evening was a showcase of some of the work in this space so far this year.
The Illuminations event showcased a wide array of these gifts and talents and was a true Blessing for all present to witness. What was even more important to witness was the effort that all students had made to prepare and perform. The efforts of the students really touched the heart and when the heart is touched it is easy to find God. It was easy to find God yesterday evening.
When we reach down deep within ourselves, we find the moments of personal transformation and of conversion are all moments of the heart. We can find moments throughout our lives when these have occured. In this way we can find God working with us and amongst us throughout our lives. We can find God everywhere. Finding God in all things. Inveniens Deum in omnibus.
Have a safe and Blessed Matariki weekend.
Dean Wearmouth |
After designing and building catapults themselves, our Year 7's began to test out their creations. Ping-pong balls flew varying distances, and by observing and measuring the students were able to see how successful their designs were.   Sport
Two more teams started this week. Our Gold team played against Rosehill College, and our Bronze team played against Strathallan. They are going up against experienced badminton players with courage and a positive attitude. We scored points against all players in both singles and doubles with decreasing margins as our confidence grew.
As always, our girls gave it 100%, and showed great sportsmanship and skill. The results are as follows:
St Ignatius/Papakura Silver VS ACG Strathallan Win 39-13
St Ignatius/Papakura Ferns VS Aorere College Win 23-15
St Ignatius/Papakura Gold VS ACG Strathallan Win 20-6
St Ignatius/Pukekohe Black VS Hill Pantherz Loss 7-35
St Ignatius/Pukekohe Ferns VS Buckland Diamonds Win 25-9
The boys made the most of their home game advantage and won with a spectacular 44-12 against Wesley College.
U14 Ramarama rebels won by 2 points in a hard fought game with WPBC |
Cross Country
The students gave their all today in our first school Cross Country day. Results and photos will be available in next weeks Newsletter. |
 Ākonga Elective
Strength & Conditioning
During Term 1 & 2, ākonga have learnt about the fundamental movement patterns and components of fitness through practical learning experiences. These include increasing their aerobic capacity through longer runs, and their strength through squatting, push ups, jumping and correct running mechanics. Sessions are structured with a general warm up, jogging, bodyweight exercises and ADS (Active Dynamic) and SDS (Static Dynamic) stretches, a skill component, Power/Agility aspect and often finished with a short workout (WOD). More recently, we have focussed on learning how to do Wall Walks (focussing on improving their overhead positioning with a goal to completing handstand push ups). Ākonga also requested to focus on improving explosive power and agility for sports. We have done this through completing plyometrics and jumping activities, such as broad jumps, as well as agility sprints.
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Nacho's News
This weeks edition is available via the News link at the bottom of this Newsletter. |
 Ākonga Achievement
Annabelle Shields has been accepted onto the swimming Waikato Age Group regionals squad for the 2024/25 season. The squad is made up of the top age group swimmers (age 13-18) in the Waikato and Counties Manukau region. There will be some extra training camps and 2 domestic tours with a competition, during the year. Congratulation Annabelle!  |
Manutaki Certificates
This week the following ākonga/student were recognised by their Manutaki for having received an outstanding Weekly Excellence Review in Week 7, Term 2.
Year 7 - Sian Balle Year 8 - George Moody Year 9 - Je'Taime Bradley
We celebrate these ākonga/students being more fully alive and reflecting the greater glory of God through their work and actions.
The 485 Award
We had many nominations again this week and it was a pleasure for senior leaders to read of students finding God in others through their nominations. Our top nominations this week are:
Savanna Styles nominated Charlie Bower for helping Mrs French to clean up after everybody else had left.
Paea Finau nominated Nagorry Perelini for picking up rubbish when he hadn't been told to do it.
Zachary Poh nominated Sophie Wynne for helping him to learn how to copy and paste.
Taren Naran nominated Ben Hunter for giving courage to others and playing cricket with him when he felt sad.
Paul Stirrup nominated Chaesi Alosio for letting him borrow her stationery.
Ethan Steadman nominated Iosua Perelini for all of the support and encouragement he gave in helping Ethan get ready for his speech.
Kourtney Sublette nominated Alexis Collins for helping her to improve with her art.
Kitione Koaneti nominated Luke Kiutau for picking up rubbish without being told to do it.
Xavier Ong nominated John Glynos for keeping people company when they feel alone or sad and need a friend.
However, the winner that has been drawn this week is Chaesi Alosio. Chaesi was nominated by Paul Stirupp for letting him borrow her stationery.
Well done Chaesi!
Uniform Update
Boys Socks are now in stock at the Pukekohe store in all sizes. From next week all boys should be wearing the correct school socks.  Youth Health Council
Over the last few weeks a group of Year 9 Students have been working with youth workers Dave and TK from Youthline NZ, to form a Youth Health Council at St Ignatius. The council spoke to students in Assembly this week and TK and Dave from Youthline came to support them (see the picture below)
The leaders of the council write:
Our Youthline leader for 2024 is Olivia Fitzpatrick, alongside our other youthline leaders, Annabelle Shields (Co-leader), Frankie Frost (admin) & Arjun Bal (Media) they make up the Youthline heath council leadership board for 2024. Although we have an official team, students and teachers can help contribute to our council’s agenda by suggesting ideas to our leaders or members. If students are experiencing any issues you can come to the council so they can be addresses in the meetings at Thursday Lunch Times.
The Youthline council is a place where all are appreciated, everyone listens and make sure everyone is happy and that it is a safe place for everyone's needs. We hope to make your time at St Ignatius the best time of your lives. Things we run are Bake Sales or Fun runs. We also can address any issues that are happening - or any other suggestions that come our way for the health of the school. Thank you and we look forward to hearing your suggestions for term 3.
 Auckland Reader's Cup
On Monday the 24th of June a selection of our Year 8 ākonga attended the annual Auckland Reader's Cup competition. This year the competition was attended by 16 of the main Auckland Secondary Schools and was held at Sacred Heart College. The Reader's Cup is a Year 9 competition where teams of five students study prescribed books and answer questions of varying complexities. The winners receive cash and a trophy and represent the Auckland region in the North Island competition, then it's on to Nationals!
We attended this year to familiarise ourselves with the expectations of the competition and to prepare ourselves to be competitive next year. It was lovely to see Literacy skills celebrated and for our children to see how they can explore their interests and meet like-minded students. |
Matariki Break (no school) - Friday June 28th Year 9 Trip Red, White and Brass - Wednesday 3rd July AIMS Games Bake Sale (Cash Only) - Thursday 4th July PTA Meeting - Thursday 4th July at 6pm - all welcome Wear Your Own Clothes Day - Friday 5th July. Gold coin donation towards supporting a school in Papua New Guinea. Term 2 finishes - Friday 5th July School Board Voting Closes - Friday 26th July Term 3 Starts Back - Monday 22nd July First Morning Mass - Monday 22nd July 7:30am All Welcome
Baptism News
Congratulations to Reagan Crooks, Sophie Wynne and Azariah Stobart who were baptised over the weekend at St Patrick's Pukekohe. Welcome to the family of the Church.  The Loving Gaze of God
Those who are lucky enough to live in a place where they could gaze into a clear night sky, may appreciate the constellations of stars which decorate the darkness of the night and make it beautiful. In such a situation, it is easy for us to be captured by a sense of wonder of God’s Creation, as if God’s loving eyes are gazing at us. “When I behold your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars which you set in place, what is humanity that you should be mindful of us? Who are we that you should care for us?” (Psalm 8:3-4).
Matariki is a large cluster of stars which traditionally signifies the time for whanau and friends to gather in the spirit of love, to remember those who had passed and joined the cluster of stars in the night sky, to watch over us still here. The day also signifies the beginning of a new year and a time for the preparation of the soil for planting. It is a time for prayerful reflection of what has been and also for exciting hopes and wonder for the future.
 On Thursday, many of our ākonga participated in the Illuminations, the very first Art Showcase at the school. The guests were presented with drama, dance, music performances, speeches and artworks by students. As Principal Dean Wearmouth said at his closing remark, many hearts were touched that evening as they witnessed the variety of exceptional talents that the students, their loved young ones, demonstrated; and how they had shown what “finding God in all things” could look like in daily life.
Finding God in all things is the premise upon which Ignatian Spirituality is based. Beyond the Church walls and Catholic liturgies, Jesuits have dedicated their lives in secular works such as education, architecture, administration, science and arts, and many of these involve just mundane day-to-day tasks. Yet, their constant inner dispositions toward God have been the living proof that everyday life can be the place where we can truly seek and find God. No human activities are completely secular and cut off from the spiritual realm. Nothing and nowhere in the world can we find God absent. All involved at the Illuminations have also showcased that: the starry performers, the humble logistics and hospitality teams, the dedicated staff members, the supportive whanau and friends.
As we celebrate the Matariki, we can appreciate what has passed and what is to come. It is an exciting time for all members of our community to appreciate God’s variety of gifts in our students; and to plan and hope for even a brighter future, knowing with faith that we are all in God’s loving gaze, and toward God we are making our journey.
Nacho's News Issue 9
It's Week 9 which means its time for our ninth installment of our school newspaper, Nacho's news. | |  |