Kia Ora Tatou This week followed some very cold and wintery weather of last weekend. Due to the conditions the school had to make the unpleasant decision to postpone the Year 13 tramp on part of the Kepler track. Whilst we understand that this is an inconvenience to staff with planning for the trip and there will be students who are disappointed that the trip was not able to go ahead, the school has to consider the safety of everyone participating. Whilst the trip may have proceeded without incident, the risk of a potential accident or incident has to be considered and the school will always work with caution in these situations. I am pleased to report that a modified trip was able to proceed in the second half of the week before the next weather event this weekend arrives!! Paid Union Meeting On Monday there was the paid union meeting which we informed parents about in the previous weeks. It was disappointing to note that attendance on the day was considerably lower than we would expect normally. Furthermore, some parents excused the absence as it was ‘a half day’ or their child ‘did not want to attend’. As had been communicated earlier, there were four lessons on the day out of the five normally completed. The school expects students to attend when the school is open for instruction and in this case absences will be recorded negatively and this may impact upon their opportunity to participate in extra-curricular activities. Family holidays in school time With travel restrictions and opportunities for travel increasing we are seeing an increase in the number of families taking students out of school for family holidays. The advice provided by the Ministry of Education states ‘Family holidays or taking time off for recreational activities are not acceptable reasons for being absent.’ Further advice and information can be found here.
Where a family decides that they are going to take their child out of school for a family holiday they are required to write or email the principal to ask permission. Students who are away from school on a family holiday are expected to talk to their teachers prior to departure to ensure that they are not missing assessment deadlines or are able to maintain progress so that they are not left behind when they return to school.
Common Assessment Activities This week has been the start of the first round of Common Assessment Activities (CAA) for NCEA Level 1 Numeracy and Literacy. These assessments have been completed by some Y10 and Y11 students. These assessments are set by NZQA and completed under their conditions. For students who are absent for these assessments there is no ‘catch up’ or alternative time available in this round of assessments. This means that students will have to wait until the second opportunity to complete these assessments in September. Results from this round of assessments should be received by students in August. Outward Bound Scholarship The community Trust of Otago is providing a partial scholarship (valued at $3500) for a Year 12 student to attend a course. This is being advertised to Year 12 students who have been asked to write ‘an expression of interest’ and submit this to the school office no later than 3pm on Friday 7 June. The expression of interest needs to provide details: Why the student wishes to attend? What they anticipate they will learn and so gain from participating? Interested students are encouraged to look at the Outward Bound website. Drug detector dog As in previous years we have invited the drug detector dog into school to screen the school site. This is part of the school’s commitment to keep this a safe work environment for both staff and students. I am please to report that there was no evidence during this screening that there were drugs on the school site. The school will continue to monitor and may use the detector dogs again in the future. Teacher Only Day A reminder that on Friday, 31 May, the school will be closed for instruction for the whole day to allow teaching staff to engage in professional development to support the changes to New Zealand curriculum and changes to NCEA. Finally This is starting to be a regular plea about uniform. Once again this week I have been speaking to students about hoody’s being worn under jackets. These are not part of the school uniform and are not acceptable. The school and Board of Trustees did undertake a review of the school jersey’s a few years ago and have provided a smart, easy care option for students. These and the original woollen jersey’s are the only accepted jersey’s for students to wear in school. Please support the school by ensuring that your child leaves for school each morning wearing the correct uniform. Our experience suggests that if they say to you they will take it off when they get to school they are not doing so and creating an issue for staff to manage which detracts from the business of teaching and learning. Ka kite ano |
Recent News
Upcoming Dates
Upcoming Dates for Term2 2024 | | |
Year 9 Science
Year 9 students learning about 'fire' are seen performing the flame tests. They are enjoying the practical work in this topic and seem to be really engaged. | | |
Football Report Week 2
After their win last week, the boys were pumped for their game against Kaikorai Valley at Logan Park. | | |
PB4L Badges: R-respect E-excellence P-perseverance
A number of students received Positive Behaviour For Learning badges this week. Bronze badges are presented by the house captains in their mentoring groups. Silver and gold badges are presented at assembly. | | |
English Department Week Four
“Research shows that the benefits of reading for pleasure are extensive and long-reaching. | | |
SADD Conference 2024
During the first weekend of the April school holidays, 6 students attended the SADD conference held at John McGlashan College in Dunedin. | | |
Tertiary Open Day Sunday 26th May and Monday 27th May
The Dunedin Tertiary Open Days app is now available! The app has the University of Otago's full programme and allows you to build a personal itinerary on your mobile phone, tablet, or desktop computer. | | |
Mandarin Classes
I am pleased to share that we recently conducted a bubble tea-making activity with our Year 9 students. | | |
School Interviews
We look forward to seeing you at our parent - teacher interviews on Wednesday 29th May from 4pm to 8pm. | | |
Ordering SNOB Photos
Download and purchase any SNOB photographs by going to: | | |
Smoke Free Rock Quest
On Saturday 18th May our students, Alex Anderson (bass and vocals), Hunter Taylor (guitar) and Shelley Lambert (drums) performed with their band 12 (pronounced "one-two") at the Smokefree Rockquest Regionals at Taieri College. | | |
Swimming OSS Championships
Stuart Swallow and Ellie Olsen-Vetland swam their hearts out today representing SOHS at the Otago Secondary Swimming Championships at Moana Pool in Dunedin. | | |