Kia Ora Tatou As the second term really gets underway we have had a number of trips out of school this week for students as part of their studies. It is really beneficial when students can take their learning out of the classroom and apply it to real life situations or to develop their understanding by working in a real world situation. This week most of the Year 10 students have been out doing a stream study and will now be analysing their data back in the classroom. From talking to a number of students they have enjoyed this experience. Also we have had a senior group out on a two day tramp where they have been practicing their navigation, leadership and camp craft skills. Co-Curricular sport, cultural activities, SNOB and school attendance During the week I have been working in my office after school and it has been great to hear some of the sports practices and games for the winter sports codes getting underway. Participation in both sport and or cultural activities is beneficial for health, both physical and mental, social connection and the opportunities to work with a team. Participation in sport does not have to be competitive but it is good to be physically active. At the start of the year I published in the school newsletter the expectation that students had to have 80% attendance, or better, in order to participate in sporting and cultural activities as well as attending the SNOB which is just next month. The school has signalled to students early where their attendance has been a concern ie below 80%. It has been good to see that a number of students have improved their attendance as a result of this work and are now participating in their winter sport. This week letters have been sent to Year 12 and 13 students and their whanau if their attendance is of a concern. I hope that for these students they can make ‘an immediate and sustained’ improvement in their attendance so that they will be able to attend the SNOB and represent the school. Fees, school charges and donations School invoices and accounts are sent home regularly to keep whanau informed of student accounts. All charges are divided into ‘Required Payment’ and ‘Voluntary payment’. The required payments are usually for extra-curricular activities or for items that the student has opted to take. Voluntary payments are for items that the school ask parents to contribute towards. The payment of these voluntary items means that the school is able to continue to offer the broad range of curriculum activities which enhance the learning for students. We know that students both benefit and thoroughly enjoy these enhancements to the curriculum and we thank those whanau who do make those voluntary payments. This week, I have sent a number of letters to Year 12 and 13 student whanau advising that they have a number of outstanding debts for required payment items. As in previous years the school will not be selling students a SNOB ticket until these debts are cleared. We understand that for some families making large payments can be very difficult. Therefore we encourage whanau to contact the school office to set up part payments which can continue thoughout your child’s education. SNOB Plans for the Senior Night of the Ball (SNOB) are well underway for the event next month. As you will have read in the previous two items the school has made clear the expectations for student attendance and outstanding accounts. The school has communicated these expectations to individuals. To be clear, the school has not stopped anyone from attending the 2023 event. We will work with students and whanau to make sure that they can attend. There is still time for every individual to reach the criteria set for entry into the SNOB. Ryan Williams and Jethro Ware This week I have learnt that both Jethro Ware and Ryan Williams have been selected to attend the London International Youth Science Forum. Ryan will be presenting his silver crest research project. The event is to be held in London on 26th July to 9th August. We wish both students all the best and I look forward to hearing more about the event when they return. On going industrial action Sadly, the industrial action is set to continue and on Tuesday 9 May the school will be closed for instruction. There will be no supervision available for students. A separate letter advising of this strike action will be sent home on Friday. Also next week the Year 13 students will be rostered home on Thursday 11 May. A letter will be sent home up to three days prior to the planned action. Whanau, please note which year group is rostered home and ensure that your tamariki stay home on the correct day and do not take an extra day off! Where one sibling may be rostered home please do send the other to school! When year groups are rostered home or not able to attend for other industrial action this will not count against a student’s rate of attendance. Whilst I appreciate that this disruption is far from ideal and whanau may have challenges keeping tamariki at home I hope that the community will support our teachers. This industrial action is to support improving the pay and conditions for all teachers so that a teaching career is appealing to recruit young people into the profession and also retain them both in the profession and in New Zealand. As a principal it can be challenging to fill vacancies as they arise and improved pay and conditions for teachers will help in getting quality teachers into the profession. Measles In the news this week you may have seen the emergence of measles in an Auckland school which has necessitated the closure of the school to allow contact tracing. Earlier this year I shared a letter from the Ministry of Education encouraging whanau to ensure that they vaccinated. Whilst this current outbreak is far away it has a familiarity with the covid pandemic in terms of the speed at which infections can spread. I encourage whanau to check on vaccination status and seek medical advice about how to protect yourself, whanau and the community. Finally I know that duck hunting starts this weekend and this will see a large number of our community out enjoying this event. I hope that the morning is successful and that everyone has a good time! Ka kite ano |
Recent News
Week 2 from the English Department
In term one the literacy strategies of the week were around reading. This term our literacy strategies of the week will be focused on writing. | | |
Exam Centre Manager
The school will be l advertising for an Exam Centre Manager. | | |
Staff vs Council Touch Game
Staff vs Council touch game was played yesterday at lunch. The staff came away with the win 5-3. | | |
In our newsletter on the 6th of April we incorrectly identified the wrong trust as having made a grant to the school. | | |
Upcoming Dates for Term 2 2023
Upcoming Dates for Term 2 2023 | | |
Recording A Student Absence
Please use the absence phone line when recording a student absence – 03 4180517 and push 1 . Emails are not monitored for absences. | | |
NCEA Change Update
You may have read in the news that the Ministry of Education has announced there will be changes to the new NCEA program. | | |
Year 10 Stream Study
Over the last couple of days the Year 10s have been out doing a stream study in the Puerua River. | | |