Kia ora koutou,
I trust your week has started well.
It is hard to believe but we are now over halfway through the final term of the school year.
The NCEA examinations started smoothly, despite some digital administration issues that have occurred from the New Zealand Qualifications Authority. This has been frustrating for all concerned as the process of digitising NCEA examinations across the 3 levels continues. Senior school students have been calm, settled and focused so far for their examinations. This needs to continue right through to the end of this month, as does attending every NCEA examination that students have been entered for, in order to fully utilise their chances of academic success.
Students in Years 7-10 are showing impressive levels of attendance and engagement in a full range of activities, both, inside and outside of the classroom. This week sees Year 10 students experiencing a range of career/vocational taster days and the beginning of Year 8 camps at Motutapu Island. As we near the end of this term, students in Years 7-10 will continue to be involved in a range of engaging activities which focus on developing character and interpersonal skills and attributes.
A reminder about the national NCEA Teacher Only Day on Monday 20 November. If you have any specific queries pertaining to Orewa College please let me know.
Have a great week as we finally start to experience more consistent Spring weather.
Ngā mihi
Greg Pierce Principal
NovemberMonday 13 November to Friday 1 December - Year 7 & 8 Dental Van Visit Monday 13 November to Thursday 30 November - NCEA Exams Wednesday 15 November - Year 7-10 Non-Uniform Day Sunday 19 November to Wednesday 22 November - Year 8 Camp 1 Monday 20 November - NCEA Teacher Only Day Wednesday 22 November to Saturday 25 November - Year 8 Camp 2 |
Stills Photography CompetitionThis year there were over 1550 submissions from across Aotearoa for the STILLS Photography Competition which is run through Rock Quest Promotions, known for the success of also running the Smoke Free Rockquest.
Orewa College is pleased to announce that three students gained recognition this year for their creativity and photography skills. Congratulations to Caitlin Millar, Jaydon Winning and Natalie Sou.
JUNIOR CATEGORY DEVELOPING TALENT Exceptional Eye Award - Year 8 Caitlin Millar  SPECIAL OBJECT CATEGORY National Finalist (Top 10) - Year 13 Jaydon Winning National Finalist (Top 10) - Year 12 Natalie Sou   ALTERED CATEGORY National Finalist (Top 10) - Year 12 Natalie Sou  |
Year 9 DramaYear 9 Drama have been busy preparing for their final project, using mask technology to develop physical performance skills.
The mask is an iconic theatrical symbol from the times of Socrates to Modern western theatres. Simply put, masks symbolise the adoption of the role and hold a central place in drama across time and culture.  |
National NCEA Teacher Only DayMonday 20 November is a ministry directed Teacher Only Day - students do not attend school on this day. |
School Donations 2023We would like to thank all of those parents who have already paid the School Donation in 2023. This is a valuable source of funding for the school and it’s not too late to pay the 2023 school donation for those that have not.
For Orewa College, school donations are one of the very important funding avenues available to us. It has a positive impact and helps the school to continue to provide the learning experiences our students and their families expect.
Donations are an important contributor to school finances that enable schools to provide a range of curricular (classroom related activities) and extra-curricular options that are not covered by Ministry of Education funding but help enrich the experience for our students (e.g. attending a Sports tournament, drama performance, student leadership and the library).
They have helped ensure that our school remains an outstanding school of choice that serves our students and the community well.  | | Senior Art Show People's Choice AwardCongratulations to Year 13 Painting and Photography student Sophia Miller on winning the 'People's Choice Award' at the recent Orewa College Senior Art Show.
Sienna's prize was kindly gifted by National Art Supplies |
Basketball SuccessCongratulations to Luke Jamieson (Year 13) who has been selected for the 2024 Xposure tour, playing basketball in the Eltham-Dandenong event in Melbourne in January.
The Eltham Dandenong Junior Basketball Tournament is one of the longest running and largest Basketball Tournaments in the world. The Men's U20 has a squad of 17 athletes who will head into a 2-day camp. | |  |
Enviro Group Initiative - Mobile Phone Collection |
 | | In conjunction with Sustainable Coastlines, Orewa College will be collecting unwanted mobile phones to donate (either in working or non-working condition).
All phones will have their data wiped and sim/memory cards removed and destroyed. Some phones will be refurbished and others that are at the end of their life will be dismantled and materials recycled. The collection box can be found in the school library.
Last day for collection is Friday 24 November. |
Sports News - "Off the Bench"
Please CLICK HERE for all upcoming sports events, registrations, draws, results and zone day information. |
Year 9 PBL Jurassic Art Trip | | Last Wednesday our PBL Jurassic Art class went on a trip to the Auckland museum. We started the day with taking a look at the two T-Rex dinosaurs, Peter and the newest one Barbara.
We looked at what bones on Peter and Barbara were real and which ones were fake. Also we imagined how big they could have been with flesh on them.
Then looking at the other parts of the museum like the volcano room, where the floors shake to give the effect of an eruption. This was relevant to the dinosaurs because around the time that the dinosaurs became extinct, the earth was very volatile with many earthquakes and volcanic eruptions around the same time.
By Izzie Hansen and Violet Chandler.
 Non Uniform Day - Wednesday 15 November |
 | | In support of our House charities, Hibiscus Coast Community House and the NZ Cancer Society. For students in years 7-10. A gold coin donation will be collected at form time. |
Appropriate non-uniform may be worn. Students working in a Science Laboratory or Technology area are required to wear covered shoes. |
Careers HubThis week Year 10 students are out in the community gaining a taste of various study/training facilities around the city. This is a great opportunity for them to gain a better understanding of some of the future options that they may wish to pursue for their future pathway.
Senior students are reminded that there are still a few scholarships available for tertiary study. If they need assistance or references, they can get in touch with the Careers Department. Schoolbridge App |
A big thank you to parents and caregivers who have embraced the use of the new 'School Bridge' app for reporting absences to us.
When you use the app, it not only fills in all of your child's details, it allows the absence to be imported directly into the system.
You can also look at previous absence reports and request 'exit passes' if your child needs to leave school during the day.
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You will be able to complete permission slips, book academic conferences and more, all in one place from your phone/tablet. Download Instructions |
International Students End of Year ProgrammeLast week was the start of our end of year programme for senior international students who are not sitting NCEA exams. Time spent in the kitchen making delicious mince and cheese pies and pikelets.
 Followed by a fantastic camp at Waipu Cove. The weather was brilliant and a great kiwi camping experience was had by all including staying in tents, camp cooking in small groups, kiwi BBQ, beach games, swimming, surfing and horse trekking.
We also visited Waipu Caves Farm Park and went through the show cave.
Our end of year programme continues this week with day trips and educational activities.   2024 Orewa College Art Calendar FundraiserSome of Orewa Colleges finest art students have contributed to the 2024 Orewa College Art Calendar.
The proceeds of this fundraiser will go to help the students attending the New York Art trip in 2024.
To purchase: Deposit $25 into the school account 12-3109-0012666-00 - Particulars - Your Name
- Reference - NYCalendar
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AIMES Applications for 2024Rewarding EXCELLENCE in the fields of Arts, Innovation (Science & Technology), Music, Education and Service to the Community (AIMES).
Cash grants of up to $30,000 are awarded to individuals to support them in their pursuit of excellence. Criteria includes:
- Demonstration of EXCELLENCE in chosen field
- Aged between 13 and 25 years old
- Lives or trains in the North Harbour region
Nominations are open now until 5.00pm, Friday 19 January 2024. AIMES Application 2024 Brochure. | 2024 Application Form  |
Our Sponsors - Proud Supporters of Orewa College |