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Kia ora e te whānau o Whangaparāoa

What an interesting start to the school year.  Despite having desires for a settled start, the weather has certainly had different ideas. We thank you all for your patience as we navigate this space, and we extend a further offer of support to any of our community members affected by the recent weather events.

It has been great to welcome an excited group of Year 7 learners to be part of our school community.  All 280 Year 7 learners have started incredibly well and proven their resilience with the mixed start.  We have also welcomed 80 International learners from throughout the world to our kura and our community; a further welcome to you all, and we hope you enjoy your stay and time with us.

To begin the year, we have taken a complete school wide approach to how we undertake teaching and learning.  We have put expectations on teachers to have clear routines that align with our schoolwide practices and clear routines inside the classroom that align also.  This will provide clarity to our learners to ensure they can focus on what really matters, their learning.

I also want to make a very clear statement that we do not tolerate the use of mobile phones inside classrooms, unless directed to by the learner’s teacher.  Phones are a distraction and should be turned off and inside learners bags.  We also ask that parents avoid contacting learners during the school day.  If you need to reach your child, you can do so through our main office. 

Within this newsletter, we have given more details about the ‘Ready to Learn’ information we have provided learners, and our ‘Behaviour Process’.  I strongly encourage you to engage with both of these and have a conversation with your learner(s) about our general expectations. 

A final reminder that all the important information you need to find regarding our school can be found through our website.  We also post regularly to social media (Facebook and Instagram) on our official pages.  If you have any questions, emails are also a great way of getting accurate information.  Please feel free to contact your learners Kaiarahi or Dean in the first instance.

We would also value your feedback on the start of the school year, as we strive to improve our communication and meet your needs better.  If you do have suggestions, please send them through to [email protected].

We have a lot of exciting developments for this year. It has been a patchy beginning, but we will continue to be the constant in your learner’s lives.  We will continue to give our learners every chance and opportunity to be their best possible selves.

Ngā mihi mahana

Steve McCracken
Principal | Tumuaki

17 - Year 12 & Year 7 Class ID Photos
20 - Gateway Great Success Course
20 - 27 - Year 7 Snorkeling Trip
21 - 24 - Dance Squad Auditions
23 & 24 - Year 12 Outdoor Ed Hunua Tramp
24 - PhotoLife Class & ID Photos
     - 2022 Level 2 & 3 Excellence Breakfast
28 - Year 10 Business Studies Tip Top Factory Trip
1 - Year 7 & 8 North Harbour Softball Boys
1 - 3 - Year 12 PE Camp

SCHOOL TV - School Transitions

Whether it is starting school for the first time, moving up to a higher grade or embarking on a journey through secondary school, there is no doubt that any school transition is a very exciting time for children and parents. It means your children are growing up!
However, transitioning is an ongoing process. It can continue long after students have entered their new environment and may encounter difficulties at a number of different stages. These stressors may appear as anxiety and frustration and result in negative or disruptive behaviours. Such behaviours can become problematic making the transitioning process even more difficult for children and parents.

In this edition of SchoolTV, parents will learn practical strategies to assist your child during the transition process and reduce stress and anxiety levels.

We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this edition of SchoolTV and we always welcome your feedback. If you have any concerns about your child, please contact the school counsellor for further information or seek medical or professional help.
Here is the link to the School Transitions edition of SchoolTV


Behaviour Expectations

It is important that we are all on board and support the behaviour expectations, working together we can ensure that all learners get the most out of their time whilst at the college. Learners will behave so that teachers can teach, and all learners can learn. The non-negotiables for learners are: 
● Be at school and class on time.
● Be prepared for your learning - have your device charged and all your materials ready. Your phone is not a
device for learning.
● Wear the correct uniform at all times - PE uniform is for PE only
● Your phone should be in your bag and on silent during all classes.
● You work to the best of your ability and challenge yourself.
● Treat others with respect
● Treat the school property with respect
● Allow learners to learn and teachers to teach
If learners do not meet the behaviour expectations, the following chart is a guide to who should deal with the issue
and what potential consequences may be put in place. Each learner is treated as an individual, and this guides our
process. We are a restorative school, and at all times, the mana of the staff and the learners should be preserved
when dealing with behaviour incidents.


NCEA Information Evening for Parents

via Facebook Live 
Tuesday, 28 February, 7:00pm

Whānau are invited to attend an information session regarding NCEA on Tuesday, 28 February, commencing at 7:00 pm via Facebook Live on the Whangaparāoa College Facebook page.  This session is aimed at parents of Year 11-13 students but everyone is welcome. 

There will be an introduction from Principal, Steve McCracken, then Deputy Principal, Lisa White will present an introduction to how NCEA works, and our expectations of learners in Years 11, 12 and 13.  There will be a monitored question and answer facility throughout the session.  The session will also be recorded and uploaded to our school website afterwards for those who may not have access to Facebook.


Ready to Learn

The start of the year has proved to be successful with establishing consistent routines and expectations towards learning and behaviour. We adapted our original plan for Ready to Learn, due to weather implications, and thus learners engaged in assemblies and ready to learn programmes that deliberately instructed learners on how to build more personal responsibility towards learning.  Already we have had feedback that the consistent approach to these new routines has made an impact on learning.  Lessons are calmer, smoother, and learners have a transparent understanding of how to approach lessons
This new way of doing things at Whangaparāoa College is linking towards developing our new Effective Teacher Profile (ETP).  The ETP is being established over Term 1 with staff.  As a reminder, learners and teachers are adhering to the following standards set to maintain positive and consistent learning environments:

- Teachers will meet and greet learners before they enter the classroom.  This is important to ensure a positive interaction at the start of the lesson, and for teachers to check learners are ready to learn, with the correct equipment and uniform
- Learners will be exposed to explicit learning intentions and success criteria in all lessons across the school.  Visible to learners, so they understand what is required for each lesson.
- Teachers will provide a range of activities that encourage a positive and engaging learning environment.
- Learners are expected to engage in various forms of formative assessment during lessons.  A review of learning will take place in lessons, and at the conclusion of lessons.  The conclusion of lessons is calm, orderly and will end professionally.  Learners are asked to exit a lesson when the teacher has instructed.



Over the weekend of February 4th and 5th Lexi Wiig and Ruby Amkretz  competed in the New Zealand Secondary Schools Beach Volleyball National Championships in Mount Maunganui, Tauranga representing Whangaparāoa college. The event was hosted by Volleyball New Zealand where 42 school teams competed. It was a great tournament with tough competition winning 3/5 games played, placing in the top half. Over the two days they learnt a lot together as a team and got some good experience in beach volleyball as the sport is new to both of them. 

Our Year 8 learner Valentina Gladiadis (white helmet) gets 3rd girl overall in the Gold Fleet at the 2023 Open Skiff Nationals held in the Bay of Islands on Feb 10-11th

Massive congratulations to Aimee Bright and Kosta Gladiadis who competed in the Australian/Oceania Wing foiling Championships in Sydney Australia over the last 3 days
Both of them sailed amazingly over the 11 races.
Kosta has been crowned the U19 Champion at only 14 and Aimee the Oceania and Australian Womens’ National Champion.
Incredible effort by these 2 talented sailors!!!



The mobile Lumino dental van will be at Whangaparāoa College during term one to provide free dental care to our Y9 - 13 learners. You will find more detail, including a link to enrol, below.

Yr 7/8 learners will receive dental care later in the year when the Auckland regional dental service arrives.

Process for unwell/injured learners at Whangaparāoa College
Ideally unwell learners will attend the school health clinic during break time.  If a learner is injured or unwell during class time they should inform their teacher, then head to the health clinic to be assessed by one of our two registered nurses.

In most instances the nurse will provide treatment to assist the learner to stay at school.  If the nurse assesses that the learner needs to go home, they will then contact the parents/caregivers.

Learners should not be contacting parents/ caregivers directly to come and collect them.  We would appreciate whānau support in ensuring school practice is followed.  If your child does contact you, please direct them to the school health clinic.

Please ensure your contact details are correct and there is an emergency contact in the system. You can update your details at any time by emailing [email protected]

If your child’s health has changed since enrolment and it is something we should be aware of, please update the nurse at
[email protected]

If you are concerned about your child’s health ( including mental health/ anxiety), Whangaparāoa College has a pastoral team care that can help/support/advise

Pastoral care team
Kaiarahi ( form teachers)
Year level deans
Attendance dean [email protected]
two registered nurses - [email protected]
A team of guidance counsellors
[email protected]
An administrator that supports the team.

The role of this team is to ensure our learners are well supported to be settled at school to be able to achieve their best.

Whangaparāoa College also uses good space schools, an online HEeADSSS assessment tool to monitor the well-being of our learners.  This will be rolled out across different year levels at different times. Information will be emailed to families prior to a year level been surveyed.


Lumino 2023

Dear Parents and Guardians, 
The Lumino the Dentists Mobile Unit is scheduled to come to Whangaparaoa College in 2023. Term 1, weeks 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. 
The Lumino the Dentists, School Smiles Programme is fully funded by the Ministry of Health. It offers free dental examinations, oral health education, x-rays and a professional dental clean for students in year 9 to year 13, *up until their 18th birthday.
Treatment including white fillings, sealants and extractions of baby teeth are also provided on the  school grounds as required. For other treatment not completed on board the unit, you will be referred to your local  practice or orthodontic specialist. 
Enrol with us! 
If you’d like us to see your child during our visit, please complete the online enrolment form via the link below. If we have seen your child at Whangaparaoa before, please also complete this online enrolment form, to make sure we have up to date contact/medical information for your child, as we now advise our patients/their parents of upcoming appointments via text message. 
Please call or text us on 0272228521 if you have any questions. 

Click here to enrol with Mobile 3

Keeping Students safe during COVID-19. 
Lumino operating guidelines are over and above Dental Council of New Zealand and Ministry of Health requirements. 
Infection Control 
Lumino follows all DCNZ Infection Control protocols. 
Lumino is well resourced with PPE for their entire team. 
Students will be provided with an anti-microbial mouth rinse both prior to and after treatment. Students will be provided with alcohol-based hand sanitiser both prior to and after treatment. 
You can find out more about Lumino’s additional safety measures for COVID 19 here. 

• The link for enrolment doesn’t work – Please copy and paste this link into your search engine: 
• If I enrolled my child previously, do I need to enrol again? – Yes, to ensure we have consent to see your child  each year, and all their/your contact details and their medical history is up to date, we ask that you please fill  in the enrolment form every year. 
• What is an NHI number? – An NHI number is your child’s “National Health Identification number” if you do not  know it, your GP doctor can provide this for you. Unfortunately, we cannot see children who do not have an  NHI number. 
• If my child was seen at Primary/intermediate School, do I need to enrol? – Yes, Primary/intermediate School Dental Service and High School Dental Service are two different providers. 
• If my child is currently seeing an orthodontist, can they be seen at school for their free dental check-up? – Yes, if your orthodontist does not check your child’s teeth and do cleaning for free, we can see them at school for an annual dental check-up. 
• My child currently visits another dental practice, can they be seen again at school? – No, children under 18 can only have 1 free dental check-up per year. However, if you are paying for your child’s other dental check-up, then we can see them at school for free. 
• Do I need to book an appointment? – No, you will receive a text message with your child’s appointment time 3 days day before the appointment, please ask your child to come and see us at their appointment time. We will also send our runner to get your child from class if they forget to come and see us at the allocated time.  
• What can I expect on my child’s visit to the dentists at school? – Once a student comes to see us, we will ask them to fill in a Covid-19 questionnaire form and take your child’s temperature using a laser thermometer. Then, one of our highly qualified clinicians will take x-rays, check their teeth, and do a clean/scale and polish. If further treatment is required, your child will be asked to come back for a second appointment. 
• What happens if my child requires further treatment? – If a patient needs fillings, extractions, or fissure sealants, we will send a card home with them to be signed by you, before completing this treatment on the Mobile Unit at School. We will not perform any treatment without consent from a parent/guardian. 
• What happens if my child is referred to an orthodontist? – Unfortunately, orthodontic treatment is not funded by the Ministry of Health and this will need to be paid for privately at an orthodontist of your choice, please let us know if you would like a recommendation. 
Have any other questions? Please feel free to contact us, our details are below. 
Kind regards, 
Mine Karakaya | Administrator Tracey Kirkland | Administrator 
| 0277005872 | | 0277009972 | 
Mobile Clinics Mobile Clinics 
Schools Smiles Programme Schools Smiles Programme



Lockers are available again this year, $60 per year plus a refundable $15 bond. If you would like a locker for 2023, you will need to fill in an online order form at GET IN QUICK as they are going fast!