28 October 2022 Newsletter

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28th October 2022 Newsletter

Dear Parents/Caregivers

Kia Ora Tatou

I hope that everyone had an enjoyable long weekend and soaked up some of the sunshine. 

Mana Pounamu Awards
Our Mana Pounamu recipients, Luana Valli and Paige King, will receive their awards in Dunedin this evening. This is a prestigious annual award that celebrates the vast and varied achievements of rakatahi Māori or Māori youth across secondary schools in Otago. Well done Luana and Paige for your leadership and achievements.  

Athletics day
Thank you for your support with athletics day. We endeavoured to run athletics day but in the end the weather prevented us from undertaking the full program as “rain clearing in the morning” didn’t quite materialise. The students still enjoyed participating and watching the high jump indoors. Alongside this we had indoor activities for Year 9 such as indoor bowling, a tug-of-war and chess. And regardless of the fact the day didn't fully run I would like to extend my thanks to those teachers and staff that put in a significant amount of effort to make it a possibility and to offer these additional activities on the day. 

Pasifika Navigators of Tomorrow
On Wednesday Haley McManus, Education to Employment Broker from Business South and Benji Ahdar, Employment Liaison Advisor from Dunedin Connected Centre visited SOHS to run a Navigators of Tomorrow session for our Pasifika students. They connected our group with four awesome young role models online and the students were tasked with discovering their careers by asking questions that could only be answered yes, no or sometimes. The theme of the workshop was the value of education and pathways into employment and the student feedback afterwards was very positive.

Shake Out Day
On Thursday at 9:30am we participated in the annual shakeout day - New Zealand Shake Out. This takes place to remind staff and students of the right action to take during an earthquake. Drop, Cover and Hold. 

Having experienced the Christchurch earthquakes while working at a Christchurch secondary school 11 years ago I will never forget what an unexpected, sudden and violent event it was. I believe having the opportunity to remind students of the correct way to respond, where to go and discuss what the implications maybe is important preparation if such an event were to re-occur.

I am looking forward to next weeks senior prize giving. This is one of my favourite events as we celebrate the success of our students that have worked so hard all year. Prizegiving will be in the school Hall and so space will be limited. So that we don’t end up in the unfortunate situation of having more people than seats you will need a ticket for the evening. Please refer to the details Mrs Jory in the newsletter to make sure you have yours.

Ka kite ano

Nigel Scarth - Deputy Principal

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Senior Prize Giving

Date: 3rd November Time: 7:00 pm Venue: SOHS hall. Every prize recipient should have by now received their invitation for two guests to attend.


Raising Awareness About the Catlins Bat Project

Bat project is the work of Marco Smales in Year 9. This work was part of their conservation assessment. 


Boy's Cricket Update

The 1st XI contested the McCullum Cup in Dunedin last weekend.


Blackadder 3 Poster 2022