Tēnā koutou, e te whānau o Howick College, | | This week, during a formal assembly, we celebrated our Year 12 excellence and merit students, alongside our 2024 student leaders. These students have worked hard and are truly deserving of such recognition. Nevertheless, there are many students who did not cross the stage but can be equally proud of trying hard and achieving their personal best. This scenario is common in various situations, such as athletics where there is only one winner but many others have excelled and still achieved a personal best.
 Introducing Y12 to the 2024 Head Students and House Leaders.  Mr Burden congratulates NCEA Excellence recipients. Throughout my career, I've had the privilege of working with some outstanding educational leaders. Simply listening and learning from them has proven as valuable as any postgraduate qualification in educational leadership. While they each possessed unique styles, they all shared the same commitment to encouraging students and staff to strive towards becoming the best possible versions of themselves. One particular leader's memorable catch phrase was, "be better than before."
Striving to be better than before (BTB) means consistently working towards being the best version of yourself. In this journey, teachers play a crucial role by setting high expectations and enabling students to reach their peak potential.
Having high expectations is not about expecting every young person to be the best; it's about helping them reach their potential. Aiming for personal bests and fulfilled potential is crucial. Not everyone can be the top student, make premier sports teams, or land lead roles in shows. But everyone can participate, improve, and even excel. It's reasonable and beneficial to expect fulfilled potential, but pressuring students with precise numbers and ranks can be unproductive and often detrimental.
Supporting students during this process is vital. The best way to do that, to boost their confidence and increase motivation, is to have high expectations. Be better than before.
Have a great weekend,
Dale Burden
| | Tuesday 12 March School ID Photo Catch Up Day
Wednesday 13 March Meet the Y9 Tutor Teacher Evening
Thursday 14 - Friday 15 March
Summer Sports, Cultural & Y13 Photos
Monday 18 - Saturday 23 March
Summer Tournament Week
Friday 29 March
Good Friday (public holiday)
Monday 1 April
Easter Monday (public holiday)
Tuesday 2 April
Easter Tuesday (school holiday)
Friday 12 April
Term 1 Ends
Thursday 25 April
ANZAC Day (public holiday)
Monday 29 April
Term 2 Begins
Thursday 09 May Po Fiafia Evening
Friday 17 May Pink Shirt Day
Saturday 18 May Senior School Ball
Friday 31 May Teacher Only Day Uxbridge Fridays@12 Concert
Y9 Meet the Tutor Teacher & Deans EveningWe warmly invite all Y9 parents and caregivers to meet the Y9 tutor teachers and deans on Wednesday 13 March from 6:00pm - 8:00pm.
The evening will commence in the Bill Dimery Performing Arts Centre with a formal welcome by our principal, Mr Dale Burden. This will be followed by a question and answer breakout session with the Year 9 tutor teachers, deans and House leaders. There will also be a chance to meet with members of our Senior Leadership Team.
Your support is greatly valued and we encourage you to take this opportunity to begin a conversation with your child’s tutor teacher, dean, and key staff members within the school.
We look forward to seeing you there. Summer Sports & Groups Photo ScheduleOur groups, councils, summer sports teams and Yr 13 photos will take place on Thursday 14 and Friday 15 March. Please make sure to arrive on time, in your correct uniform and neatly groomed. If you miss your time slot, there will be no catch up photo.
 Senior Ball 2024Date: Saturday 18 May, 7.00 pm to midnight Venue: Ellerslie Convention Centre Cost: $140 per person Student Eligibility: Year 12 and 13 students currently attending Howick College.
All Y12 and Y13 students should have by now received an email regarding the 2024 Senior Ball. Tickets will be available for sale as outlined below.
Year 13 - Tickets sales open 11 March and remain open until sold out. Year 13 Guests - Tickets sales open 11 March and close 28 March. Year 12 - Tickets sales open 3 April and remain open until sold out.
Payments MUST be made online. Please Do NOT make early payments. There will be NO ticket sales over the school holidays. For more detailed information, please refer to the email from Ms Marsick.
Jewellery ReminderWe would like to remind students that jewellery is to be kept to a minimum. As outlined below and on our website, students may wear a selection of the following items: one ring per hand, one necklace, two small gold/silver studs or sleeper earrings per ear, one nose stud or clear retainer.
Please Note: nose rings, septum rings, facial piercings and tongue piercings are NOT permitted. | |  Pictured above are some examples of acceptable jewellery styles. |
Fight Moth Plant and Win  Mr Henty, Envirogroup co-TiC, says disposing of pods and pulling out seedlings is vital to preventing spread. | |  Just some of the hundreds of pods and vines collected by our dedicated Envirogroup members over the years. |
The pods pictured above are from the notorious moth plant, a noxious vine that smothers native vegetation. Each pod contains hundreds of seeds, one of the reasons why the vine has so successfully increased its presence around the upper half of the North Island, destroying native landscapes.
To help battle the spread of moth plant, the Howick College Envirogroup invites you to join one of the three Howick College teams we have formed (or form your own team), to take part in the Howick Ward Moth Plant Pod Competition. Contact Mr Henty about these teams or come to an Envirogroup meeting to find out more details. Meetings are held every Tuesday at lunchtime in D10.
Prizes include: 1st - $500, 2nd - $400, 3rd - $300, 4th - $200, 5th - $100, 6th/7th/8th - $50, 9th/10th - Certificates Top Secondary School Team (maximum of 10 people) - $500 Thickest Vine - $150 Most Small Vines Pulled By the Roots - $150 Special mystery prizes for teachers and students.
Last day for registration is 5 April 2024.
Enviroschools Cluster Workshop Focuses on SAPs On Monday 4 March, Envirogroup members (pictured from left) Evie Hollyman, Yoshini Anantharangan, and Blake Ingram, represented Howick College at the East Auckland Enviroschools cluster teacher workshop. Held at St Kentigern School, the focus of the workshop was the Auckland Council's Shoreline Adaptation Plans (SAPs) for the Tāmaki River inlet. The council is currently planning for the future of Auckland’s 3,200km of shorelines (beaches, cliffs, harbours and estuaries) in response to the impacts of climate change, erosion and flooding. This is a vital issue and the Envirogroup strongly encourages our community members to have their voice heard. If you would like to have a say in the planning process, please email the following: [email protected] or https://akhaveyoursay.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/shoreline-adaptation-plans-tamaki-river-inlet-and-bucklands-beach-to-pine-harbour Community Council Supports Local Event Community Council leaders, Winter Lin and Tara Daniels | |  Community Council Members from left: Tara Daniels, Harnain Dhaliwal, Rama Balasmeh, Tiffany Su |
Last Sunday, March 3, the Community Council took on a significant role supporting the Auckland Brit & Euro Classic Car Show at Lloyd Elsmore Park. From 10:00 am to 3:00 pm, our council members were actively engaged in organizing various aspects of the show, with a primary focus on the ever popular sausage sizzle. Despite the inclement weather, our dedicated council members ensured the smooth running of the stall for the Howick Leo's club, catering to a substantial crowd of 7-8k people. The funds raised during this event will go towards community projects.
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Study Centre - New Location
Where: A4
When: Every lunch time
What: A quiet place to work
Individual tutors will not be available for the first few weeks of term, but all students are welcome to come along and work independently in this quiet space during lunch times. |
Howick College Book of the WeekThe Hunger of Thorns by Lili Wilkinson Maude is the daughter of witches. She spent her childhood running wild with her best friend, Odette, weaving stories of girls who slayed dragons and saved princes. Then Maude grew up and lost her magic-and her best friend. These days, magic is toothless, reduced to glamour patches and psychic energy drinks found in supermarkets and shopping malls. Odette has always hungered for forbidden, dangerous magic, and two weeks ago she went searching for it. Now she's missing, and everyone says she's dead. Everyone except Maude. Storytelling has always been Maude's gift, so she knows all about girls who get lost in the woods. She's sure she can find Odette inside the ruins of Sicklehurst, an abandoned power plant built over an ancient magical forest-a place nobody else seems to remember is there. The danger is, no one knows what remains inside Sicklehurst, either. And every good story is sure to have a monster… This fantasy novel is perfect for students in Years 9 – 11. Come and borrow it from L6.
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Sports NewsAthletes Prove They Can Take the Heat Howick College was proudly represented by a number of our athletes across various events at the recent Counties Manukau Zone Athletics Day. Their outstanding performances were made even more impressive considering they were competing in sweltering conditions.
The track events uncovered new talent in the junior girls with Dejah Vaitai winning her 100m race in style. Our Senior Girls 4x 100m relay team (pictured from left: Avah Sila, Uaina Lefau,Unuhia Crosby Te-Whare, Charlie Lindsay) dominated the field in the final. Rianco Haggard once again stood out head and shoulders above his competitors, winning both the 100m and 100m hurdles.
Counties Manukau Zone Athletics Day Overall Results (Top two finishers will go through to Auckland Championship) JUNIOR GIRLS Dejah Vaitai: 100m - 1st place, 200m - 2nd place Hazel McGhie: 300m - 3rd place
Relay Team (Dejah Vaitai, Daisy Leat, Jahnei Kaiwai-Peapea and Bernadette Lavemai): 100m - 1st place Alyssa Reid: High Jump - 3rd equal Sarah Feldtman: High Jump - 3rd equal Danielle Ready: Discus - 3rd place
INTERMEDIATE GIRLS Uaina Lefau: 100m - 3rd place Liv Cox: 200m - 3rd place, 400m - 2nd place Lucia White: 800m - 3rd place Maddie Bailey: 80m Hurdles - 2nd place
SENIOR GIRLS Unuhia Crosby Te-Whare: 100m - 1st place Charlie Lindsay: 400m - 1st place, Long Jump 2nd place | | Avah Sila: 100m hurdles - 1st place, High Jump - 1st place, Long Jump-1st place Relay team: 4 x 100m - 1st place (Avah Sila, Uaina Lefau, Unuhia Crosby Te-Whare, Charlie Lindsay) Riley Couillault: High Jump - 2nd place
JUNIOR BOYS Aayan Faruk: 200m - 1st place Caleb Anderson-Rowe: High Jump - 1st place Ceejay Harmse: Shot Put - 2nd place
INTERMEDIATE BOYS Rianco Haggard: 100m - 1st place, 100m hurdles - 1st place Mason Bray: High Jump - 3rd place Ewald Englebrecht: Javelin - 1st place
SENIOR BOYS Jacques Uys: Discus - 1st place |
Cricket Girls' Winning Streak to Finals Congratulations to our Girls Cricket team on making it through to the 1A finals, after winning their semi-final against St Mary's College by a convincing 65 runs. This powerhouse team was unbeaten in their pool which is not surprising considering the team includes an Auckland Women’s A player (Neena Woollaston), 3 Auckland age group and club premiere players, (Sonia Vaia, Zamera Ikiua, and Neena) and 2 Cook Island women’s reps (Sonia and Zamera). The side also several other district and club players including Nitya Choudhary, Milly Belcher, Alyssa Reid, Poppy van Rensburg, Chloe Pratt and Danielle de Villiers. Credit also goes to the younger players who give it their all and bring great enthusiasm to the game each week. Special thanks to the coaches Wayne Reid and Miss Kimberly Permessur, and manager Erica de Villiers, for their support.
We wish them the very best in the finals!
Sports NoticesYear 10 Netball TrialsSunday 10 March: CHANGE OF TIME 12.30pm - 2.30pm in the gym Thursday 14 March: after school in the gym until 5.30pm Friday 15 March: after school in the gym until 5.30pm | | Football Boys Muster, 3:30 - 5:00pm on FieldY9 Boys: Tuesday 12 March Y11-13 Muster: Thursday 14 March Judo & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
If you are interested in Judo/Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, please email Mr Uy at [email protected]. You can also find him in H13 or the English Resource Room. If you would like to sit in on a session, drop into D8 after school on a Thursday. |
Follow Sport @ Howick CollegeFor up-to-date sports results and the latest sports news, follow Howick College Sports on Facebook and Instagram or visit the Sports page on the Howick College website by clicking on the icons below.
Health Centre NewsDental Planet Onsite During School HolidaysThe mobile dental van provides free dental care for NZ residents under 18 years of age. Students in years 9-13 can be enrolled for their free check up and treatment from Monday 15 April - Friday 3 May by clicking the link below and following the prompts. https://analytics-au.clickdimensions.com/cn/avjqi/onlineenrolment If you can’t access the link, call Dental Planet on 0800 262 2022, or email [email protected]
 Physio AppointmentsIf you require a physio appointment, please book an appointment by emailing Jo in the Health Centre on [email protected]. Parental consent is required for students under 16 years of age and can also be emailed to this address. |