21 October 2022 Newsletter

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Dear Parents/Caregivers

Kia Ora Tatou,

Welcome back to the start of the fourth and final term of 2022. I trust that all the students and whanau had a good holiday and managed to make the most of the opportunity to take a break and do something different.

I have been talking to a number of senior students who have had the results of the practice exams. It was good to hear from them how they are using the feedback to prepare for the final NCEA assessment which they will be sitting in a few weeks time. Teachers do provide quality feedback and I encourage parents to talk to the their child about the feedback that they have received and how they can support to improve their child’s performance. This applies to all students no matter the level of their study.
I encourage parents to use the live reports to see some of the feedback and ‘next steps’ advice that teachers are providing.
Teacher only days and Paid Union meeting

Last term I advised that South Otago High School is to scheduled to have two teacher only days, 21 and 28 November. At the start of this week I was also advised that the PPTA are requiring member to meet for a Paid Union Meeting. The PPTA have acknowledged that the fourth term is not an ideal time for teachers to be out of the classroom. ‘Term Four is not an ideal time for a PUM, and we know that schools will have to juggle these meetings around camps, prizegivings, and the end of the NCEA exam period’

We are hoping to be able to minimise the disruption and will confirm the date of the paid union meeting in the next week and any changes that may be required for the second teacher only day. I apologise in advance for any inconvenience that may be caused by these changes and disruptions.

Leadership camp, Rarotonga 
Whilst most of had some chilly weather duging the school holiday, two Year 13 students, Emily Unahi and Kasey Valli, were selected to attend a youth leadership camp in the Cook Islands. Talking to the students they had a tremendous time and leant a lot about both leadership, the Cook Islands and the impacts upon the environment. This is a tremendous opportunity and I am sure that the new skills and knowledge that they both gained will be valued used well in the future.

Spirit of New Zealand Challenge
South Otago High School has been invited to enter a team into the Spirit of New Zealand Challenge which will be a ten day voyage in February for ten students from Year 10. Applications to take part in this were oversubscribed and students were interviewed for the selection. The following students will be joining the trip and will be flying to Auckland early in term 1 of 2023.

  • Blake Cochrane
  • Jak Buckingham
  • Aniva Gouman
  • Olivia Ludemann
  • Bridget Roy
  • Hakopa Saimoni
  • Noah Saro
  • Millie Scott
  • Ruby Smith
  • Sam Wright

The students will be working hard to raise the funds for the trip and we wish them well in their endeavours. I look forward to reporting back on their trip next year.

Covid and an update
First and most importantly, thank you to the community who have worked together to try and keep everyone safe. I would hope (my fingers are crossed and touching wood) that we are seeing the pandemic in the rear view mirror! Time will tell and I accept that it will be a very long time before we have no covid cases, if that ever will happen.

Recently a lot of the restrictions were lifted. However, where an individual is a confirmed case they will still need to self-isolate. However, their household will not be required to self-isolate but do need to do a RAT test everyday for 5 days. The advice is that household contacts should wear a mask if leaving the house in particular if going into a ‘crowded indoor space’. We appreciate that those who may be a household contact do follow this advice if they are able. More details and advice can be found at:

Whilst we have just returned from a two week break we are about to start a long weekend! For senior students this is a good time to have a bit of focussed time in preparation for those end of year assessments which start on Monday 7 November. For junior students it also an opportunity to make sure that all course work is up to date. Neither of these should take too much time for students who have conscientious during the year!
Have a good weekend and I hope the weather is kind to us all!
Ka kite ano

Senior Prize Giving

3rd November, 7:00 pm, SOHS hall


Important Dates

Upcoming Dates for Term 4 2022


Senior Achievement

I am delighted with the achievement of our senior students this year. With many challenges and interruptions we could have seen a significant delay in credits coming through.


Scholarship Success

Congratulations to the following students who have achieved success with the Otago University Entrance Scholarships


Boy's Cricket

The 1st XI gets its 2022/23 campaign underway this weekend with the McCullum Cup T20 tournament in Dunedin.


Basketball Learning Support

At the end of Term 3 SOHS learning support basketball team travelled to Dunedin to play in a tournament.


Upcoming Dates

  • Friday 28th October - Athletic Sports
  • Monday 31st October - Science Roadshow
  • Thursday 3rd November - Senior Prizegiving/Last day for Seniors
  • Monday 6th November - NCEA Exams begin
  • Wednesday 16th – Thursday 17th November - Year 8 Visits
  • Wednesday 16th November  - Year 13 Graduation Dinner
  • Friday 25th November - Year 12 Leadership Training Sessions
  • Monday 21st November - Teacher Only Day
  • Tuesday 22nd – Thursday 24th November - Year 9/10 Exams
  • Monday 28th November - Teacher Only Day
  • Wednesday 30th November  - Junior Production
  • Thursday 1st – Friday 2nd December - Junior Activity Days
  • Tuesday 6th December - Junior Prizegiving/Last Day for Juniors
  • Wednesday 7th December - Last Day Term 4