4 November 2022 Newsletter

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4 November 2022 Newsletter
Dear Parents/Caregivers
Kia Ora Tatou
This week has been the final week for the senior students. During the next few weeks most will be on study leave with a small handful coming back into school to finish off their remaining credits for the year. As always there were some tears as the Year 13’s were farewelled at the final assembly on Thursday. 
This week I said I was happy to see our Year 13 students progress from high school. This ,could easily be misunderstood but the sentiment is that the young people who leave us after five years of study at South Otago High School are ready for their next steps on towards higher education or employment. During their last five years they have grown and matured. They have shaped the culture of the school. They have strived for excellence in the fields of academic study, culture and sport. They have been leaders and role models. For all this contribution we thank them and wish them well as they embark on their next adventure into adulthood!
Senior Prize Giving
Thursday night was our final opportunity to acknowledge the achievements of our senior students. It was a wonderful celebration of our students success during the year. I am enormously proud of what our student achieve especially for our year 13’s who have not had a year of NCEA which has not been disrupted by the pandemic.
I would like to acknowledge in particular the Dux, Ruby Budge and the Proxime Accessit, Fraser McAtamaney for 2022, for their hard work, perseverance and commitment during the year.
Head Students for 2023
Also as part of the senior prize giving we announced the head students for 2023. They are:
  • Sarah Bloxham
  • Alec Mills 
And their deputies
  • Charlotte Benington
  • Ryan Williams
I look forward to working with this new student leadership team in 2023.
Uniform for 2023 onwards
The Board have undertaken a review of the school uniform and there are some changes which are being made to the school uniform expectations for 2023. Some of this are new items such as a change in design of the school jersey and options for socks. The Board accept that families may not wish to incur an expense in outfitting in a new uniform so have initiated a transition period for the new changes to come into full effect. The transition years will be 2023-2026 inclusive.

Teacher only days and Paid Union meeting
I can now confirm that South Otago High School will be holding two teacher only days this month. These will be on:
  • Monday 21 November
  • Monday 28 November
The school will be closed for instruction on these two days. Senior students sitting NCEA assessments will be required to attend exams on these days if scheduled.
I can also confirm that the Paid Union Meeting will also be taking place on Monday 28 November so there will be no further disruption to families.
Covid and an update
In the last 10 days we have learnt that a number of students and have tested positive for Covid and also other members of our community who are unwell and being kept at home as a precaution. Due to this growing rate of infection the school has changed some of it’s practices in an effort to keep everyone safe. As we get closer to the end of the year we all do need to be vigilant and work together so that we can finish the year in a positive manner and then enjoy a Christmas break without restrictions. 
Parents, please do continue to keep students at home who appear unwell. We appreciate your support and acknowledge that this can be a challenge with child supervision and ensuring that your son/ daughter completes their year of education.
Friday marks the Year 10’s being the most senior students in the school. We have reminded all Year 9 and 10 students that their year is not finished yet. For these two year groups there is still considerable work to be done and it is important that they remain conscientious and focus on their achievement in the final weeks of the school year. We continue to have high expectations for them, their work and their conduct.
Ka kite ano

Ruby Budge Dux (Rotated)Fraser Mcatamney Proxime Accessit (Rotated)

Protect The Maui Dolphins

Senior Prizegiving Programme

Senior Prizegiving Programme


Local Boy Plants Cabbage Trees along pond bank

A local boy by the name of REDACTED has planted some Cabbage Trees, known officially as the Cordyline Australis species, at 11:17 AM, September 11, 2022.


Boys Cricket Update

The 1st XI played against an Otago Boys' side at Seddon Park, Mosgiel last Saturday.


Secondhand Uniform

If you wish to sell secondhand uniform please drop off at SOHS office   -Laundered and in a plastic bag ready for sale. Uniform slips will be available at the office for you to put with items of clothing.