Waitakere College News

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Newsletter Issue 12

NCEA ... Are You in the Driver's Seat?


At assemblies this week we have asked the question of our seniors,
"When it comes to your NCEA journey, are you a passenger or a driver?"
Over the next few weeks all year 11, 12 & 13 students will receive their NCEA credit updates which covers their results so far and the credits ahead. This is to ensure students, family and whānau are aware of the expectations of Term 2 and 3, prior to external assessments.

What are the characteristics of being a successful NCEA Driver?
You know how many credits you have already.
You know when the next assessment is going to happen.
You know the milestone or checkpoint you have to be at in the standard you are doing.
You attend the free after-school tutorials on Wednesdays when you are struggling or need help.
You have dates of milestones and assessments in your planner.
You are at classes on time and prepared to build on the previous lesson.

If you can answer YES to at least 4 of these characteristics you are in control of your NCEA journey. Ka Rawe! Keep working like this and enjoy the 'drive.'
If you cannot answer YES to these yet,  then start making the positive changes needed so that you can avoid just having to react and respond in desperation. To be better than before (BTB) you need to be a NCEA Driver.

Ngā mihi
Mark P Shanahan 


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Upcoming Events

  • Wed 15th May - Early Finish 12.25 pm – Teacher Union Meeting
  • Monday 3rd June - King's Birthday - No School
  • Thurs 20th & Tues 25th June - Parent Teacher Interview Evenings
  • Fri 28th Jun - Matariki - No School
  • Tues 2nd & Wed 3rd July - School Show
  • Friday 5th July - Last day of Term 2
  • Monday 22nd July - First day of Term 3
  • Click here for all important dates