The positivity of purpose We come to the end of our first successful and uninterrupted Term 3 in two years. That in itself is recognition of a successful outcome for all the mahi on health issues over these last two years. This has allowed us to focus on success for our students in as many ways possible as they engage in the learning process here at school.
Students have now established very solid routines around engagement in school. They have a purpose to be here with teachers providing planned focussed lessons for achievement. Having a purpose in school and in life allows our rangatahi to feel value and self-worth as they work towards their goals. Senior Reports and Assessment Week supported their purpose and goals: they know what to work on towards the Senior NZQA Externals and what needs to be completed internally.
The New Zealand Secondary Schools Winter Tournament was a success for 7 of our competitive teams. Solid achievements with solid growth of skills and for members of the teams and sport, in general, is the success criteria I value the most for these students, their family and whanau.
We will celebrate sporting success at our Sports Prize Giving at the Trusts Stadium on Thursday night. This will be followed by Celebrations in term 1V for Mana Maori, Pasifika, Arts N Culture, SHINE, Senior and Junior Prize Givings acknowledging students for their engagement, progress and growth over 2022.
 Another success to celebrate is our Deputy Principal Isapela Tausa who was 'capped' at her recent Graduation Ceremony with the University Of Auckland Post Graduate Diploma in Educational Leadership. Isa has balanced the many hours of study and work required to complete this honour while being a tower of strength with the leadership of the College over these past three years. A purpose of leadership, and lifelong learning that inspires us and encourages so many others in the College to aspire to be Better than Before (BTB). Congratulations on your success, Isa. Well deserved.
Let us all continue to find a positive purpose to make our world Better than Before.
Nga mihi Mark Shanahan
A selection of free, youth activities over the holidays
An exceptionally moving story of triumph against all odds set during World War 2, from the acclaimed author of Jefferson's Sons and for fans of Number the Stars.
Enjoy the photos from this amazing production performed by DRA301
Geneva Hakaraia-Tino has a vision that all tāngata whaikaha Māori will be able to communicate in te reo – including those who are non-speaking.
10k were last week's winners!
ECML1 are this week's winners!
Former student Pete Richardson has gone on to achieve great success in Bowling.
The theme this year is 'Fakamautu ke mautakitaki te gagana Tuvalu mo te atafai, fakaaloalo mo te amanaiagina' - Nurture with sustainability the Tuvalu language with care, respect and dignity
Kia whakanuia e 50 ngā tau o te kaupapa nei! This year it is the 50th anniversary of Te Wiki o Te reo Māori here in Aotearoa.
Last weeks sports results
Important Dates Friday 30th September: Last Day of Term 3 Monday 17th October: First Day of Term 4 Monday 24th October: Public Holiday - Labour Day - No School Friday 18th November: Teachers Professional Development Day - No School Friday 25th November: Teachers Professional Development Day - No School
For more important information read our Daily Panui