16 September 2022 Newsletter

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Poly Fest

Dear Parents/Caregivers
Kia Ora Tatou

E mihi ana ki a koutou katoa i runga i ngā āhuatanga whakahirahira o te wā. Ko tēnei te wiki e whakanuia ana e tātou tō tātou reo rangatira, te reo tuatahi o tēnei motu. Ki a koutou e noho ana ki tērā tōpito, ki tērā tōpito o te motu, nau mai, rarau.

Thanking you all for the important things of this time. This is the week we celebrate our official language, the first language of this country. To those of you live in this country, welcome

This week we have celebrated Te Wiki o Te Maori or Maori Language week. During the week I have encouraged staff and students to incorporate some te reo into their every day speech. The use of te reo helps build confidence, trust and relationships. Whilst I admit my own pronunciation still needs some considerable work I appreciate the encouragement to continue to try to use the first language of Aotearoa, New Zealand. It is through support that more people will be encouraged to try to use te reo.

26 September public holiday
As you will be aware, New Zealand is to mark the passing of Queen Elizabeth II with a public holiday on Monday 26 September. As a result the school will be closed for instruction. Senior exams scheduled for that day will be moved and revised exam timetable will be shared with students.

RYDA driving course for Y12 and Y13
Each year the school provides an opportunity for Year 12 students to attend the RYDA driver training programme. Last year, due to Covid restrictions we were unable to offer this opportunity so this year we have offered this excellent driver training programme to all Year 12 and Year 13 students. In the past, students who have attended the programme, have described it as the most valuable and useful piece of driver training that they have experienced. Sadly, the 16 to 24 year old drivers are at the greatest risk of being involved in motor vehicle accidents. Therefore I really encourage all students to make the most of this course next Friday.

Cultural Competition
On Tuesday we held our annual cultural competition. It was great to be able to hold this without the restrictions of the last couple of years. The standard of performance was excellent and it is wonderful to see our students leading the house groups through their routine. Congratulations to MacDonald house on their win and to Paige King and Mhyna Bacud for their individual awards for their leadership.
In recent years the standard of performance by students has really grown. The finale of a whole school haka for the students who were to go to the Polyfest in Dunedin was exceptional. There was a really visible representation of the school pride and respect for the Kapa Haka group as the whole school performed a haka to acknowledge the group.

Otago Polyfest
On Wednesday night I had the pleasure of attending the Polyfest event at the Edgar Centre in Dunedin where our Kapa Haka group performed. A number of staff had travelled to watch the event and others watched online. Our students performed extremely well. The audience were extremely appreciative of their presentation and a number joined in a haka to acknowledge the work of our students. I would like to thank the staff who have supported the students to create this routine. In particular Timikuka Walker (Their tutor) and Mr Bertanees amd Mr Williams.

Principals Report 1

Principals Report 2Principals Report 3

Uniform review
Thank you to all the students and parents who took the time to provide feedback on potential uniform options for students at South Otago High School. The Uniform Committee will meet to consider the feedback and then present recommendations to the Board for their consideration and approval. Any changes that may be made to the uniform will be phased in so that families do not need to purchase new uniform items.

This weekend we have a large group of students who will be travelling to Queenstown to enjoy a weekend of skiing. It is great that with the changes to the Covid safety requirements we can once again start to offer these opportunities to our students. I hope to catch up with the group for at least one day on the slopes.

Ka kite ano

Class Act

Last Friday, at a special awards ceremony in Dunedin, two pupils each from 27 Otago schools came together as a class and, individually, were presented with Class Act 2022 certificates by the Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern. Congratulations Fraser McAtamney and Shania Morado - this years South Otago High…


NCEA study assistance

NCEA help from real students and teachers - Study It forums for NCEA students now open


2024 USA SOHS Trip Expression of Interest now open

York, Philadelphia and Washington D.C. - Information evening 5.30Pm 29th september


Senior Exam Timetable 2022

SOHS 2022 Senior Exam Timetable


Upcoming Dates for Term 3 2022

  • Thursday 22nd September Book Day
  • Monday 26th to Thursday 29th September Senior Practice Exams
  • Monday 26th  - 30th September Mental Health Awareness Week
  • Friday 30th September End of Term 3