Orewa College News

High Tide Newsletter

Tai Pari Niureta

9 October 2023

Welcome to the start of Term 4.  This term always passes very quickly and is an extremely busy and celebratory term.

Within the next eight weeks the following will have occurred:

  •  Seniors will have completed their internal assessments and prepared for and sat their NCEA examinations.
  • Students in Year 7-10 will have completed their curriculum assessments across their range of subjects.
  • End of year reporting/data will have been made available for all parents/guardians of all students.
  • Prizegivings/Awards/Graduation ceremonies covering all year groups.
  • A range of end of year activities for students in Years 7-10.

The international reputation of Orewa College was consolidated over the recent term break, due to two successful overseas trips for students, ie Japan and Europe (History/Classics).  In addition to this, myself and the Director of International Students, Ms Croad consolidated and developed our relationships with a range of International Student agencies.  Numbers have quickly returned to pre-covid levels and our programme is highly regarded.  This remains an important component of Orewa College life acknowledging and supporting the richness of the values of inclusion and diversity.

It would be greatly appreciated if you could familiarise yourself with, and monitor how your son/daughter is using social media accounts.  This continues to cause disproportionate issues among some students at the college, and your ongoing support in this area is highly valued.

Term 4 sports are in the process of starting up and participation of students is always encouraged.

Senior school students (Years 11-13) need to attend every day and prioritise their areas of focus. Conversations about this with subject teachers and their ILT teacher is crucial in order for academic success to occur.  Departments continue to offer a range of workshops/tutorials on Wednesday afternoons, and I would encourage student participation in these.

Have a great week.

Ngā mihi

Greg Pierce


Level 3 Outdoor Education - "The Amazing Race"

The level 3 outdoor education students took part in their final adventure for the year. This was ‘The Amazing Race’!

This is an epic adventure race through the Auckland CBD. Students had to navigate the city by bus, train and foot. 

Each team had to complete a range of challenges called ‘roadblocks’. These challenges were based at well-known locations and teams had to work together to solve obstacles at each venue. These ranged from Westhaven Marina, Weta Workshop, Art Gallery, the Museum, Kelly Tarlton's and ASB Tennis Arena. 

Each team managed to complete all roadblocks. Students showed maturity, manaaki and good sportsmanship.

Congratulations to all teams for completing the amazing race and a special well done to team ‘Orange’ who won overall, students in this team consisted of Lucy Cotter, Rico Cullen, Hannah Gray, Jack Lichtwark and Leah Millar.


Manukura (Prefects) 2024

Congratulations to the students who have been appointed as Manukura for 2024.
CLICK HERE for the successful applicants.


Goodspace Schools Survey - Year 9 & 10 Students - Term 4


Tēnā koutou e te whānau,

This year we have been working with a wellbeing team from GoodSpace Schools to create a more integrated, personalised response to the wellbeing needs of our school.


This includes completing confidential wellbeing check-ins with all our Year 9-13 students periodically throughout the year.  The survey is a youth friendly, secure online survey, based on an internally validated screening tool which helps identify students who may need further support.  

We will be offering this survey to all Year 9 and 10 students in term 4.

Since wellbeing has many facets, improving students’ wellbeing in schools requires a whole-school approach and takes into account emotional, physical, social and societal needs.  Orewa College is continually striving for a school community that embodies the principles of Manaaki; a school whānau that takes care of each other.  

We want to reassure students and whānau that information is held confidentially by the guidance counselling team. Although encouraged, student participation in the survey is optional.  The data collected is used to tailor support programs and resources to address the specific needs of each year group.

We have found the survey to be a huge benefit so far this year with our year 11, 12 and 13 students.  As a result of these surveys, we were able to check in with at-risk students as well as engage with students who requested wellbeing support.


Careers Hub


This term we will continue to have one-on-one conversations with our Year 12 students - we have found that students have a much better understanding of their options and where they may go at the end of Year 13 when we have this initial conversation.  We encourage any Year 12 who hasn't yet had a conversation to pop into the Careers Hub to make an appointment.

In the next couple of weeks we have the last of the NZ universities in, to assist potential students with enrolments and course planning for 2024.  The University of Cambridge is visiting New Zealand. The Auckland Undergraduate Information Evening will be held on Monday 16 October from 6pm-7:30pm in the Auditorium at Kristin School, 360 Albany Highway. This event is aimed at students in Years 11 and 12 and their parents and supporters.

The Regional Manager (North America and Australasia) for Cambridge's Admission Office will speak about what studying at the University of Cambridge looks like, how to make a competitive application and will leave plenty of time for questions. Students in Year 13 who have already made an application are also welcome to attend. If you wish to attend please register (one student per registration) at the link found here.

On Wednesday 11th October 10am-2pm there is a Job Expo at the Silverdale Rugby Club for anyone wanting to meet local employers. There are companies from the following industries: Building/Construction, Civil/Infrastructure, Hospitality/Retail, Customer Service and Warehousing. 


Year 7 Enrichment Visit

As part of the Enrichment Programme, students in Year 7 visited Maygrove Rest Home to entertain the residents with the costumes they had made as part of the Wearable Arts House competition.

Alyvia Lintag made her "Tu-Tu the Tui" costume from a black rubbish bag, string and wool woven to make tassels. Wings were made from bubble wrap and ribbons. Her mask was made using cardboard and feathers.

Izzy O'Connor made her "Queen of Hearts" costume which included a skirt, corset and crown using cardboard, playing cards, ribbons, gems and artificial roses.

The residents thoroughly enjoyed the entertainment as the students walked the catwalk to "Dancing Queen".


History & Classical Studies Europe Tour


Forty three Orewa College senior students and four staff undertook a packed history and classical studies tour of Europe over the term three school holiday break.

Arriving in France, the tiki tour team explored Paris for our first few days, soaking in the culture and history of places such as Montmatre, Sacre Cour, the Arc De Triomphe and the Champs Elysēes, whilst also getting in some all important eating of snails, every patisserie product imaginable and of course doing some shopping!

Venturing away from Paris we took in the sights of Fontainebleau, Honfleurs and the monastery of Mont St Michel. Our main purpose was to walk in the footsteps of our fighting forebears so we visited battle and remembrance sites from both of the great wars. Remembrance highlights included being the first school group to gain entry into the newly created Le Quesnoy Military Museum that highlighted our nation's role in liberating this ancient town, touring the Wellington tunnels at Arras, visiting the graves of the soldiers that students studied at Le Quesnoy, Messines Ridge and Caterpillar Valley. We also experienced the devastation of war at places such as Pointe du Hoc, Lochnagar and Vimy Ridge where we traversed shell marked landscapes and walked though century old trenches.

The second half of the tour saw us based in our accommodation in the heart of Rome in Vatican City. Here we stayed in an old monastery so that we could best view the Colosseum and the Roman Forum along with other important educational sites such as the Arch of Titus and Trajan’s Column. We spent a good deal of time exploring other more modern cultural touchstones such as the Spanish Steps, Trevi Fountain, Capuchin Monastery, Barberini Palace and of course Vatican City.

We did venture away from the eternal city to visit the crumbling city of Bagnoregio and the thermal spa at Therme De Pape, taking in the countryside as well as every opportunity to eat Italian food!

Staff were really pleased with the excellent behaviour and enthusiasm shown by students on the tour, noting a great deal of personal growth, confidence and displays of manaaki to their fellow travellers and locals alike.

Many students reported that this was a trip of a lifetime and that it had inspired them to continue with travel into their futures.


Dance Students - School Visits


In the last week of Term 3 the student dance leaders went out to two of our local primary schools to perform and run workshops.

This was a great success and the leaders demonstrated excellent leadership and teaching skills.  A big shout out to Red Beach and Ahutoetoe for welcoming us into your schools and allowing us to work with your tamariki.

We look forward to extending this program next year. 


Student Election Board of Trustees Results


Congratulations to Han Wang who has been voted in as the Student Representative on the Orewa College Board of Trustees.


Year 10 BP Challenge


This terms Year 10 Business Studies ākonga competed in the BP Business Challenge.

During the 3-day event the groups designed, collaborated and professionally pitched their innovative product ideas to our experienced judges from the local business community.

We were also fortunate to have two Year 12 student judges Asher Winning and Daniel Lucas who are already running their own successful businesses.

This was a great opportunity for our senior Business Studies ākonga to share their learning and experiences with our Middle School entrepreneurs in the making!

A special thank you to our guest judges:
Becky Duncan from Duncan Building Services
Emma Ngatai from Marley New Zealand and Kindly The Label
Simon Barnes from Alleyoop
Jess Millar from Accountable Bookkeeping
Orewa College Year 12 students:  
Asher Winning from Winning Window Washing
Daniel Lucas from Mahi3D


SADD Challenges

In Term 3 the Orewa College SADD Team (students against dangerous driving) held "Focus or Fail" and "Your actions, Consequence Others" activities.

We used these activities to raise awareness about distracted driving and drunk driving.  We hope to make a difference in our community by creating and hosting these activities.

With 'Focus or Fail'  the activity was to get through this obstacle course while looking at your phone as people threw dodgeballs, ensuring the idea of the dangers you face while looking at your phone and driving. 

We are hosting a drawing competition to replace the SADD sign in the front of the school. 
Entries should feature the words "SADD”, the slogan "Students against Dangerous Driving,” and the Orewa College logo!

If you are feeling fancy, you can throw in the "Kaitiaki o Ara" slogan too.   After that, it's all you! Send submissions or any questions to [email protected]


House Winners 2023

The House System has finished!

After an epic three terms of battling it out, the winner is BATTEN HOUSE!

A huge congratulations to the team - Mr Baker, the house leaders and the rest of the team of Kahurangi have done it for 2023!

Batten house will be rewarded with a trip to Parakai Hot Pools.  All students in Batten house that are eligible for the trip will be contacted by email. 

This year was the closest it has ever been. Every house had a glimpse of greatness and a time at the top. However, by only one point, Batten managed to secure the win.

The house system at Orewa College is one of the three main pillars of the school. It provides us with enjoyment, creativity, healthy competition and most importantly a sense of belonging. 

This year house system was made for all ākonga to feel that they could contribute to the success of their house, whether it was building a raft, designing a garment, chalk drawing or even playing video games, the house system caters for all.

Once again congratulations BATTEN HOUSE winners of the 2023 House Competition.  

Here are the final placings for the house system 2023;


Parenting Neurodiverse Teenagers for Orewa College Parents 


To register, please CLICK HERE.


Sports News - "Off the Bench"

Please CLICK HERE for all upcoming sports events, registrations, draws, results and zone day information. 


Snowplanet Trip


On Tuesday 19 September, 7NLA went to Snowplanet (alongside 7RBS). It was a fun experience for all.

There were two options for us, skiing or snowboarding. It was a great chance to learn how to snowboard or ski, and for those who were more experienced, a great chance to hit the slopes and show off some skills.

It was pretty cold inside Snowplanet at around -5 celcius. There were multiple levels of difficulty across the snowy hills, including jumps for experts. For some (including myself) the hardest part was staying on the pulley.

We left school at 9:00am and arrived back at school at 12:30pm. When we got back to school some of us were tired, but we all had a blast.
Article by: Marcus Inoue-Matamua (7NLA)


Principals Award

Each year the Principal’s Award recognises a student(s) demonstrating all-round excellence in academic, sporting and cultural areas.

Students can be nominated by staff or their peers or they can nominate themselves to be considered for this award.

This needs to be completed for Year 11-13 students by Monday 16 October 2023:  Nomination form.




Year 8 HPV2 Vaccinations
These will take place tomorrow (Tuesday 10 October) for consented students.  


Dental Planet Visit Years 7 & 8
The Dental Planet van will be onsite from Monday 13 November - Friday 1 December 2023.