Orewa College News

High Tide Newsletter

Tai Pari Niureta

31 July 2023

Kia ora koutou,

I trust you are well.

The normal busy routines, events and activities of this term are well and truly underway.  Some examples of these include the following;

- College Production "Legally Blonde'
- All winter sporting codes
- Badminton/Chess club/ Debating/House Events
- Hosei Japanese High School Visit
Week 4
- Academic Conferences for all students
- South Island Outdoor Education trip
- Course Information/Careers Expo 
Week 5
- 'Achievement Evening' 

Throughout last term, I had the privilege of going into all classrooms and seeing all of our teachers/students engaging in the learning process.  Increasingly, there is more active student learning and collaboration occurring, reflecting our core values of 'Ako Orewa' and 'Manaaki Orewa'.  There is a calm, positive working environment in evidence in all year groups and across all curriculum areas.

The upcoming 'Academic Conferences' are occurring at a crucial time in the school year.  Strategies that will further support student learning can be discussed and agreed upon with regards to the specific current academic data and evidence.

I look forward to meeting you at various times over the coming weeks, as the Orewa College school year continues to gain momentum.

Ngā mihi

Greg Pierce


Secure your tickets now by visiting Student Accounts, emailing [email protected], or calling 09 427 3833 extension 220.  Tickets: $25 Adults, $20 Students, $30 Premium Seating.

Don't miss your chance to witness the power of pink and join us for a night of pure entertainment!


Academic Conferences

These will take place on Thursday 10th August.  This conference will take approximately 15 minutes and no timetabled classes will occur on this day.  Bookings will start at 8.30am and the last booking will be at 7.15 pm.  Details on how to book your conference HERE.


Year 7 & 8 Chess Zone Day


On Tuesday July 25th, a group of 17 students from Orewa College, consisting of Years 7 and 8, participated in the Annual Chess Zone Day at Wairau Intermediate School.
The day included six rounds of chess for all players, and everyone included had a fantastic time. Over the six rounds three Orewa College players won four games, being Callum Neville, Ethan van Wyk, and Sebbie Barnett.
Our teams also did very well with Orewa A coming 11th out of the 36 participating teams. 
Article written by Coby Kayes 8ODL


Pride Week 2023


Last week, Orewa College proudly celebrated its much-anticipated Pride Week, an event that was a resounding success.


Pride week is run by our school PLUS+ group which is a student lead group for LGBTQIA students and allies. The week was dedicated to promoting diversity, fostering a sense of manaaki, and embracing acceptance for all members of our school community. 

The festivities kicked off on Tuesday, the 25th, with the Pride Picnic specially organised for the Year 7's and 8's. The event was a hub of excitement as students enjoyed various games and fun activities, which were thoughtfully put together by our dedicated Plus group and student leaders. It provided an opportunity for students to forge new connections, interact with each other, and appreciate the unique qualities that each individual brings to the table.

On Thursday, H block was transformed into a colourful carnival for the highly anticipated Pride Fair. Among the highlights of the fair was the teacher dunk tank – an absolute hit with students. Despite the chilly winter weather, the enthusiasm of the participants never waned as they lined up to dunk their teachers with water, all for a good cause. Laughter and camaraderie filled the air, and it was heartening to witness the strong bond between students and teachers, uniting for a common purpose.

The artistic talents of our students took centre stage at Artist Alley. Here, students displayed and sold their stunning arts and crafts, reflecting both their creativity and dedication. The Pride Merchandise stall also garnered attention, offering an opportunity for students to proudly showcase their school spirit whilst also raising money for the charity Rainbow Youth.
Throughout H Block, a symphony of music, games, and activities kept everyone entertained. It was evident that the positive atmosphere embraced the spirit of inclusivity, encouraging all members of our school community to celebrate their unique identities with pride.

Guest speakers emphasised the importance of kindness, compassion, and respect in creating an inclusive environment for everyone.

Pride Week at Orewa College was more than just a series of events; it was a celebration of our school's commitment to creating an inclusive and welcoming environment. By encouraging diversity and promoting understanding, we reinforced the values of empathy and compassion, which are at the core of our school's ethos.

We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the students, teachers, staff, and volunteers who contributed to the resounding success of Pride Week.
Your passion and dedication played a pivotal role in fostering an environment where everyone feels safe, valued and accepted.


Study Hub

Kia ora koutou, 2023’s team of academic leaders are excited and pleased to continue STUDYHUB sessions into Term 3 commencing on the 18th of July.

This initiative allows fellow students to access a quiet place to study amongst like-minded students. Regardless of your academic abilities, our team of exceptional leaders are devoted to supporting you all and your academic endeavours!

These sessions will run from 3:20pm till 4:20pm every Tuesday in the library. Bring a friend, and some work and we’ll provide the sweets. Please watch this space, for more upcoming updates on Studyhub, where we will continue to encourage you all to take initiative and advance your academic potential, especially with the lead-up to Senior Grading Exams set this term!
See you all then.


International Students Orientation


At the start of term 3 we had 30 new International students arrive from 9 different countries.
The students spent week 1 on an Orientation Course. It included a day out at Shakespear Park on the only fine day in ages!

These students bring a wealth of cultural flavour to our school and they have all been buddied with local students who are keen to get to know them. 


Students who are studying foreign languages will also get to benefit from the language expertise they bring. 


On-Line Mathematics Competition (AMC Thursday 3rd August)

Any students that would like to compete in this year's Australian Mathematics competition need to fill out a permission slip (here) and have it returned to accounts (with the $9 payment) by Monday 31st July.
This is an on-line 75 minute (60 minute for Year 7 & 8) test with 25 multi-choice questions and 5 integer answers that ask students to solve math-related problems.
Any questions? Please email Mr Little [email protected] or see him in S10.


New Orewa College App - with many more features!


We will be moving to a new app with better access to your child's information and many helpful features. 

You will be able to easily send absence notifications, complete permission slips, and book academic conferences and more, all in one place from your phone/tablet.

Download the new 'School Bridge' app from the App Store or Google Play.  If you would like further instructions please CLICK HERE


Careers Hub

All students are beginning to think about what they wish to do next year - whether they are leaving school or choosing subjects. While we have individual appointments with all of Year 12 & 13, we encourage any Year 10-11 students to pop in to the Careers Hub at Morning Tea or Wednesday lunchtime / Block 5 or speak to us during the Academic Conference Day where the Careers Hub will be open.

Year 13 students are reminded that the Allan William Shaw Scholarship is available only for Orewa College students and the closing date is 18th August. Those Year 13 students applying for accommodation are reminded that Accommodation applications open on Tuesday 1st August for universities. Information is on the Year 13 Careers Google Classroom.

We've recently had a focus on alternatives to university, beginning with three organisations that work with students not going to university.  They spoke with students last week.
Next week on the 9th August, we have 'Career Exploration: Alternatives to University' happening in the OAEC from 5.30-6.30pm just prior to the NCEA Information Evening.

This is open to all students and has numerous local employers attending as well as some training providers. Please see the banner in "Upcoming events".


Year 9 Sexuality Education Notification

Please click on this link for a letter regarding Sexuality education in Year 9: LINK


Senior ESOL Trip - Weta Workshop

The senior ESOL students went to Weta Workshop Unleashed where they learned about props and techniques used in filmmaking.

They had hands-on experience with many of these and even went through the 'horror house'. There were more than a few screams and giggles. Students got to see how Weta Workshop uses different techniques to make each genre interesting.
They saw examples of horror, fantasy, and sci-fi film props.

This adventure also gave students a chance to experience the unique film tourism opportunities here in New Zealand and see Auckland's city centre.


Sports News - "Off the Bench"

Please CLICK HERE for all up and coming sports events, registrations, draws, results, tournaments and zone day information. 



Our Theatresports team (The Fruit Cups) competed in their first Player Match of the year at Auckland Grammar School on Thursday night.
Kaede Prescott, Millen Unkovich and Misha Sur showed amazing teamwork and quick thinking, in their first ever match, winning the first game of the night - Story Story Die. 


They placed 4th overall, only a few points shy of the other teams. They made some new friends, had a lot of laughs and a good time.


Upcoming Events

Course Information Evening & Careers Expo - Wednesday 9th August
5.30pm Careers Expo - Opportunity to connect with representatives from vocational providers and local businesses.
6.30pm - Guidance on subject choices for 2024, especially beneficial to parents of Years 10-13.


2024 Enrolments
Information Evening [Year 7&8] - Thursday 17 August
School Tours [Year 9-13] - Wednesday 9 August
Out of Zone application close - Wednesday 6 September
Enrolment Interviews - Thursday 14 September
Click on the LINK for more information or to book tours.


Environmental Message

At Orewa College, our food scraps get collected and taken away as part of the City to Farm programme.
We have learnt that food scraps are not a 'waste' but actually a valuable 'resource' that goes back to the earth to make nutrient-rich soil. A much better solution than the landfill where they will produce methane gases. 
The great news is that pretty soon all our homes on the HBC will have the chance to do the same with their household food scraps.

Take a look at the poster below for more information and relevant dates:


Photolife - Winter Co-curricular Photos

Winter co-curricular photos are being taken on Friday 4th August in the OAEC.

  • Students should take note of when their team photo is scheduled
  • Ensure they bring correct sports uniform/gear for photos
  • CLICK HERE for Photo Schedule.

*** Students/Teams need to arrive 10 minutes before their scheduled time slot ***

NOTE: Summer Extra-curricular and Sibling Photos are scheduled for Friday 20th October.


Community Notice: General Election 2023 - Whangaparāoa Electorate

The Whangaparāoa Electorate are keen to hear from persons interested in working for the General Election. Pay is hourly, ranging from $26 - $33.80 (plus 8% holiday pay). Rate is dependent on role.  Please note in your cover letter which venue you wish to work at.
Apply HERE.