Onehunga High School News

Tēnā koutou, ki te whānau o Onehunga High School

The Health Science Academy Fono, The Samoan Language week celebrations and the recent Open Day have seen many of you come into school to contribute to these events and it is this sense of community that makes Onehunga High School so very special. It was great to see the teachers of our Kāhui Ako schools came together for the professional learning last Friday. This was an important opportunity to strengthen our relationships across primary to secondary, ensuring we provide coherent learner pathways. 

We were excited to hear from Professor Russell Bishop who provided an afternoon of Professional Learning for OHS staff. Russell Bishop’s 40 year career has focused on how Māori students fare in mainstream schools.  His latest research has informed the schools strategic direction and will remain at the forefront as we continue to ensure equitable outcomes for all ākonga. 

I would like to thank our teachers for ensuring our students experience enriched learning, both inside and outside the classroom. Whether it is experiencing Auckland Philharmonia concerts, attending the Model United Nations, attending debating, spoken word, theatre sports competitions, or going on subject based field trips, all of these activities enhance the experience of our learners and require the enthusiasm and dedication of staff.

We are delighted by the success of the Academic Council, after school study space initiative. The uptake of students using this after school space has been great to see. It is important that every student takes the opportunities available to them to get help when they need it.

Congratulations to our sports teams who have had some great results recently, particularly the Basketball Senior Boys’ and Junior Boys' A teams, who have both had convincing wins over Mt Roskill Grammar and Lynfield College respectively. The Senior Boys’ Rugby League team had an excellent 18-0 win over Hobsonville Point. 

Enjoy the weekend.

Shameen Hayat


Sports Highlights

OHS has had representation at two recent events in the College Sport calendar. At the Auckland Schools Rogaine (long distance cross country), Xavier White took out the Year 9 Boys title collecting 1110 points out of a possible 1200, 180 points clear of 2nd place. The result also meant that Xavier was able to attend the NZ Secondary School team trials held over the long weekend in Nelson. The team will be announced in a few weeks.

The second event was the Eden Park Sprint, which saw six students compete in this unique urban challenge, which allows access to a lot of areas not open to the public like the changing rooms and running on the main field. The Junior boys performed well with Harrison Avis finishing 4th and Xavier White 6th in the Year 9 category. Students that participated were Harrison Avis, William Ford-Evans, Nathan Marshall, Toren Paston, William Scott and Xavier White.

Boys Rugby:
On Saturday 1st June four members of our 1st XV were invited to the 1B Rugby Combine. The Combine is used to test the abilities of potential players for the Auckland Rugby U18 1B representative team. Oscar Parker, Andrew Harvey, Roy Ah Lam performed well in the testing. The fourth member, Felipe Li, had sustained an injury, however he was still able to attend to be part of the environment. The 1st XV returns to the field this weekend vs Pakuranga College.

Cross Country:
Lisa and Sarah Hellyer will be attending the NZSSAA Cross Country Championships in Christchurch on the weekend of 8th & 9th June. The pair will contest the individual Senior girls’ event and will be members of the Auckland Schools relay team. Good luck for the weekend.

Events coming up:

  • All Saturday competition teams are in action
  • Orienteering: Individual Championships – Tuesday 18th June

Recent News

Samoan Language Week Reflections.

OHS came alive with the celebrations of Samoan language and culture last week. Deputy Principal Ms Bex Muipu reflects on the week.

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Level 2 Bio Trip Strengthens Understanding.

The study of biology often takes students out into the field to observe nature in its natural setting.

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Homework Study Space Proves Popular.

The Academic Councils initiative to provide a study space for students after school is proving to be a popular one.

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MUNA a Hit With Students.

One of the highlights of the year for some students is their involvement in MUNA, the Model United Nations Assembly.

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Students Delight In APO Concert.

Level two Music students' attended the Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra, Discovery Concert at the Auckland Town Hall this week.

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Another Building School Success Story.

Former students of the OHS Building School, find themselves well prepared for work. Alumni include builders, plumbers, electricians and roofers, a number of whom now run their own businesses both here and in Australia.

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Open Day Delivers.

The weather was awful but this did not deter our staff and students, who delivered a taste of OHS to our guests, who braved stormy wind, rain and hail to attend the first of our two Open Days.

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OHS International department has hosted more than 250 exchange students since the beginning of the year. We are now getting ready to have another large number of short stay students for terms 3 and 4. We are proud to be providing the largest short term study  programme in the country. 

Hosting international students provides a very authentic way of introducing our students to a diverse range of cultures, customs, and traditions in the school community and it fosters tolerance, respect, and empathy among students. It creates an inclusive and multicultural environment that prepares students for the globalised world they will become a part of.

The role that our community, host families and our student buddies play in the success of these programmes is absolutely essential. We invite all our families to participate in this programme by providing a safe and nurturing environment to these exchange students. If you can spare a room in your household for a short time and are interested in helping with hosting these students, please make sure you get in touch with our international team on [email protected].


The past fortnight has seen great turnout for tertiary seminars - including presentations from the University of Auckland, Victoria University of Wellington - Te Herenga Waka and Unitec. 

Other seniors attended meetings to research their interests, including a meeting with the Marine and Composites Training academy for students interested in boatbuilding, and a group met with OHS alumni Jahna Fiu, who informed them about the highly regarded Police preparation programme at Te Wananga O Aotearoa.

The Kei Runga Ki Mua students had another enlightening workshop with presenter Paul Whatuira, CEO of a Māori hauora start-up and former Auckland Warriors player.

Read more on our website