2 September 2022 Newsletter

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Dear Parents/Caregivers
Kia Ora Tatou

Welcome to the second edition of the new format newsletter. Feedback so far has been really positive and we welcome any comments or suggestions.

This week has seen a significant number of students participating in Tournament Week. It has been a pleasure to receive positive reports on student participation, conduct and behaviour. Our students have certainly lived up to the school values of Respect, Excellence and Perseverance.

Also this week I received positive feedback on the performance of our Kapa Haka students. Last Friday they also participated in the welcome for the Regional Kahu Ako Hui. The students gave a beautiful performance and were highly praised by the attendees at the hui.

On 14 September they will be performing at the Dunedin Polyfest at 7:15 pm in the Edgar Centre. I hope to be able to go along for the performance and encourage parents and whanau to go along and support our students at this event. The students have been working so hard to practice their performance. I would like to acknowledge both Mr Bertanees and Mr Timikuka Walker for their work with our students.

Cultural Competition    
We will be holding our annual Cultural Competition in a couple of weeks. Parents and whanau are invited to come along and see the school perform. More details will be published next week for the event.

Athletics sports
As we try to make sure that we are able to hold all of our annual events we are looking to try and run our athletics sports which we normally hold at the start of the year. We are finalising plans for this sports event and I hope to be able to confirm a date for this next week.

Spring has come and it is certainly getting warmer. This also means we are getting closer to the end of the term. Next week we have conference day and night. As parents/ caregivers/ whanau it is vital that you attend to support your child to collaborate to assist them in the next steps of their education journey. If you have not done so already please do make an appointment to meet with your child’s mentor.

Ka kite ano
Mike Wright