Onehunga High School News

Tēnā koutou, ki te whānau o Onehunga High School

Term Four is an important opportunity to celebrate the success of our students, in all aspects of school life.
This week, we celebrated our Sports Awards, recognising the hard work and dedication of our student-athletes. It was an inspiring evening that showcased their commitment and teamwork.
Tonight, we will hold the Pasifika Awards, a significant event that celebrates the success of our Pasifika students, in particular their academic success. This evening will honour their achievements and contributions, emphasizing the importance of their educational journeys within our school community. By honouring our students' cultural backgrounds, we empower them to excel in their studies while fostering a sense of belonging and strong cultural location.
Celebrating success at school is crucial for fostering a positive and supportive environment. Recognising our students’ achievements boosts their self-esteem and motivation, encouraging them to set higher goals. It also fosters a sense of community, as students, whānau, and staff come together to honour individual and collective accomplishments. By acknowledging diverse talents and contributions, we promote inclusivity and inspire others to strive for excellence. Ultimately, these celebrations strengthen relationships within our school, reinforcing the values of collaboration and support that are essential for a thriving educational experience.
Next week, we will also hold our inaugural Arts Awards and Senior Prize Giving ceremonies to acknowledge the accomplishments of our senior students as they conclude their time here. As our Year 13 cohort prepares to graduate and become alumni, it is fitting to reflect on the lasting impact they will have on our school and the broader community. Their journeys do not end with graduation; they carry the values and experiences from our school into their future endeavours, contributing to our legacy.
Thank you for your continued support as we celebrate our achievements and prepare for NCEA examinations. 

Have a great weekend. 

Shameen Hayat


Key dates

  • 25 October - Pasifika Evening
  • 25 October - NCEA Internal results published
  • 28 October - Labour Day
  • 30 October - OHScars Media Awards
  • 31 October - Y11 Prizegiving
  • 1 November - Senior Prizegiving 
  • 4 November - L1 Drama Production 
  • 5 November - NCEA Exams begin
  • 6 November - Arts Celebration Evening
  • 8 November - Teacher Only Day
  • 11-13 November - Junior Exams 
  • 14 November - PAT testing for Y9 & 10 
  • 25 November - Active Lifestyles week
  • 3 December - Junior Prizegiving

Full School Assembly to Farewell to Mr Leadbeater and Year 13 Cohort

This week, we held our final full school assembly for 2024.

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Sports Awards are always a highlight for the calendar and this year was another wonderful opportunity to celebrate OHS sports.

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The ball was a tremendous success, with students dancing the night away in an atmosphere filled with excitement and glamour.

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Last weekend, five senior OHS students and Ms. Gabriel traveled to Japan to represent New Zealand at the Tsunami Awareness Day 2024 in Kumamoto.

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This year, the English department once again ran the OHS Creative Writing Competition, receiving many amazing examples of student work.

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NCEA Summer School

Enrol Now! Every year OHS offers NCEA summer school

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Last week, we hosted the much-anticipated music graduation concert in the school hall, and it was a truly memorable event.

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During the recent term break, NZ secondary schools held trials for the NZ U16 boys football team. Three OHS boys attended the U16 trial, which featured over 60 participants, making for very tough competition.

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This week, our Year 13 students attended Jobseekers workshops, connected with employers, and met with representatives from universities and polytechnics. Those planning to pursue tertiary study were invited to a lunchtime workshop with Studylink to learn more about student loans, allowances, and the new “final year fees free” arrangements. We commend our students for their diligence as they plan their next steps!


Sports Awards Evening

Term 4 is off to a great start with OHS teams starting their respective seasons:

Junior C Mixed Waterpolo: 2 losses
Junior West Zone Futsal: Current record
  - Boys A: 1 win, 1 draw, 0 losses
  - Boys B: 1 win, 1 loss
  - Junior Girls: 2 wins
Junior Volleyball: Current record
  - Junior A Boys: 1 win, 1 loss
  - Central West Junior A Boys: 2 wins
  - Central Junior B Boys: 1 win.
  - Central West Junior A Girls: 2 losses
  - Central Junior Girls Green: 2 wins, 1 loss
  - Central Junior Girls Red: 2 wins
Girls 9s T20: First competition game 30th October (opening round bye)
Junior Mixed Softball: Tournament - Thursday 7th November
Junior Boy 7s: Blues Year 9/10 Rugby 7s Tournament- Friday 15th November
NZ Southern Cross Schools Orienteering Championships and Australian Orienteering Championships 2024.
Onehunga High School’s latest national representative, Xavier White, was part of a 40 strong NZ Schools team, and the youngest member in the Junior Boys team that competed in New South Wales in the recent school holidays. Xavier took part in a total of seven events across 10 days, with his Relay team taking first place in their event. The competition was tough, with lots of learning. We can’t wait to see what the future holds for Xavier.

Golf - Junior Ambrose Tournament - 25th November.
We are seeking interest from Year 9 & 10 student golfers to form a team. The event is aimed at beginners who want to get in the game. Please see Mr Collins in the Sports Office for details or email at

2024 Onehunga High School Sports Awards
We were able to celebrate the success of our Onehunga High School student athletes and their respective coaches, managers and supporters. I would like to thank all the parents and caregivers that have provided their support to their daughters and sons in a year where OHS saw an increase in teams taking. 

A full list of the award winners can be found here: 2024 SPORTS AWARDS WINNERS

Please see the article below for pictures. 


OHS Community Education Term 4 & Saturday Workshops 

At Onehunga High School’s Adult Learning Centre, we are always looking for ways to improve our programme. In 2024, this included adding short Saturday workshops. Throughout the year, we successfully held an Upholstery course, where students gathered for four Saturdays each term to complete projects under the guidance of our experienced tutor, Lorenzo. In addition to the upholstery classes, we offered short workshops in resin art, alcohol ink, soap-making, and various forms of candle-making. Students enjoyed the opportunity to learn something new and connect with each other over the supplied morning tea. These Saturday workshops will continue to be a feature of our 2025 programme, so be sure to check our website and social media for updates on scheduled classes.


NCEA Summer School - Enrol Now!

These courses will give you the literacy requirements for some jobs and for further study. We will register you on the NZQA website. In order to fulfill the literacy requirements for University Entrance you must have 5 credits at Level 2 or higher in Reading and 5 credits at Level 2 or higher in Writing. These courses are designed for students who would like to complete or gain literacy credits/UE Entrance.    
If you are interested in enrolling please complete the form (see link below) and send to Maryam Taghavi

Read more on our website