From the Principal |
Kia ora koutou
Welcome to Term 4. Term 4 is a significant term for the school. There are external exams, prizegivings, end of year celebrations, enrolling new students, farewelling senior students - all exciting. Keep an eye out for the dates.
As you know we are finishing early on Wednesdays this term so that we can have extra time for professional learning for our teachers. We are keen to be at the top of our game so that your students get the best teaching. I can assure you we will take this time very seriously.
We are also starting school at 9am this Term. The teachers will be in their classrooms at 8.50am ready to welcome your students into class. Encourage your students to get to school early, get into their classrooms at 8.50am and be ready to start at 9am on the dot.
We are very proud of our kapa haka and Pasifika groups who performed at the Unity Day organised by Deanwell Primary School on the last day of term. They were outstanding and we have received lots of very positive comments about their behaviour on and off the stage. Well done to all of them.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Barbara Cavanagh Acting Principal
Information for Senior Students Well done to all our Senior Students who participated in the Practice Exams that took place last term. You have all been working hard to prepare for the upcoming External Exams and ensure that your Internal Assessments are completed to a high standard. We are very proud of you.
We have a plan to support those students who might need some additional time and teacher support to gain their NCEA qualifications this year. Next week Friday, letters will be sent out to all senior students and their whānau detailing what is expected of them. Some students need time to prepare for their External Exams and they will have the opportunity to do that at home. Others will need some more time to complete their Internal Assessments and they will be given the opportunity to do this. Please keep an eye out for the letters so that you are aware of where your young people need to be.
If you have any questions about NCEA or exams, please do not hesitate to email our Senior Learning Facilitators:
Year 11- Simone Ishinabe ([email protected]) Year 12 and 13- Aimee Simpemba ([email protected])
Year 7 BBQ Our Year 7 whānau were invited to attend a bbq at the end of last term. This was an opportunity for us to be able to showcase the learning that has been taking place and for our whānau to meet the kaiako that teach their young people.
Library After we reviewed our entire Fiction collection, the student librarian and Librarian successfully labelled 1,711 fiction books with genre stickers by the end of last term. These genre stickers have greatly simplified the process for students to find books that match their interests. We are excited to continue improving the library's organisation and helping students discover the books they will enjoy!
Congratulations Congratulations to Whaea Shontelle Woodman and Whaea Karen Handley who both graduated with their Masters this week. We are so proud to have their expertise in our kura.
Important Dates Senior Subject Information Day- Wednesday 30 October
NCEA Exams Begin- Tuesday 5 November
Sports Prizegiving- Wednesday 20 November
Senior Prizegiving- Wednesday 27 November 1pm
Leaver's Dinner- Thursday 28 November
Junior Prizegiving- Wednesday 11 December 10:30am